i...@sajego.net wrote:
> Waaaaaay back in the day, I used filemaker for donor records and such at 
> the small nonprofit where I worked.  You created the fields, arranged 
> them in a data entry form and then created forms for address lists, 
> thank you notes, tax deductible receipts, so on and so forth.  Very 
> simple.  Now I'm starting to do some selling on ebay, and I want to keep 
> track of transaction information, marketing data & calculate profit per 
> sale.  I looked at NeoOffice's database and it's way too scary for me. 
>  Can anybody point me to a simple and relatively cheap database solution 
> or some sort of spreadsheet template?  I actually made my first sale 
> today and I need to start keeping records.  I'd rather let the computer 
> do the math than try to do it myself the paper and pencil way!

Have you looked at Bento from Filemaker.  I haven't really looked at it 
but it's the light weight version of FileMaker Pro.

Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

"I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"

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