--- On Thu, 4/8/10, Bruce Johnson <john...@pharmacy.arizona.edu> wrote:
> From: Bruce Johnson <john...@pharmacy.arizona.edu>
> Subject: Re: Ext 500 Gb USB Drive Issues on 450 MHz G4
> To: g3-5-list@googlegroups.com
> Date: Thursday, April 8, 2010, 10:05 AM
> On Apr 8, 2010, at 9:00 AM, Jonas Lopez wrote:
> > Ext Seagate 500 Gb USB Drive Issues on 450 MHz G4
> > 1. There is a limit on hds, something like 180 Mb, but
> does this apply to External USB drives? Shows on dt as 500
> ok. No limit.
> > 2. What if partitioned into 5 100Gbs, will we be able
> to access each one? Yes but why?
> > 3. Can we start up from External USB drive as in OS9,
> OS10,2, 3, 4, 5? Is there any difference in the OS and start
> up? No, No, No, Maybe-ish, 10.5 won't run on that machine
> without serious hacking.. I think later versions of OS X may
> have enabled USB booting for some Macs that didn't in
> earlier versiosn but it's all USB1.1, which is so slow as to
> be unusable for booting anyway.
> > 4. Was intending to put OS9 in partition 1, OS10.2 in
> partition 2, and so on. Any good or bad ideas on this?
> Whatever for? just go with OS 9 and the latest version of
> OS X it'll run (which is 10.4) There is no good reason to
> run an older version of OS X on a Mac. I haven't run into
> ANY software, for instance, that ONLY runs in 10.2 that
> hasn[t been updated or isn't superceded by later versions of
> the OS.
> No need to partition it off, either. OS 9 and OS X can
> happily coexist on the same partition (just remember to
> check the OS 9 drivers box when reformatting the disk, which
> you're going to have to do, by default they come with FAT or
> no drive formatting at all.
> --Bruce Johnson

Did not work: 
Did install OS 9 and all went well, but would NOT START UP.

Did attempt to install OS 10.4, but was rejected -with: you can not install on 
this drive; you can not start up from this drive.

I suspect OS 9 simply did not check and went ahead and installed even when it 
could not start up from the xhd. It does show as a good OS to be selected and 
does show a happy mac, but it does not proceed.

Conclusion: you can NOT start up from USB XHD.



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