ednsue wrote:
> Hallo a rithist,
> Tha ceist bheag agam, mar is a\bhaist.
> I have a small question, as always.
> What is the vocative for Niall?
> Are there any "rules" governing names such as this, or is it just learn them one by 
> Tapadh leibh...
> Siu\saidh
> The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

A Shiu\saidh cho\ir,

The vocotive of Niall is Ne\ill. It's the same as the genitive, if that helps.

There are some irregular vocotives that you just have to memorise I
think - unless someone else knows of a list somewhere?

le meas

"Tìr gun chànan, tìr gun anam."
The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

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