Shantanu Pavgi wrote:
> On May 24, 2011, at 4:49 AM, Nate Coraor wrote:
> > Shantanu Pavgi wrote:
> >> 
> >> I am looking at options to configure settings such as wall-time, memory, 
> >> and number of cores etc. for each tool and wondering if this can be done 
> >> using multiple cluster  job runner configurations. Is it possible to 
> >> define multiple cluster job runner configurations for each tool? In the 
> >> universe_wsgi.ini file it is mentioned that individual per-tool job 
> >> runners can be specified, however I don't see any example other than 
> >> 'default_cluster_job_runner'. So is there any key-value syntax for 
> >> defining it in the ini file? I appreciate any comments or suggestions 
> >> regarding this issue. 
> > 
> > Hi Shantanu,
> > 
> > Please have a look at the examples in the [galaxy:tool_runners] section
> > at the bottom of universe_wsgi.ini and let us know if this suits your
> > needs.
> > 
> Yes, that should work for me. 
> I was wondering if I need to define job runners first and then specify it for 
> each tool: e.g. 
> {{{
> $job_runner_one = drmaa:// -V /
> $job_runner_two = drmaa:// -V -l h_rt=00:10:00 /
> ...
> ...
> $galaxy_tool_one = $job_runner_one 
> ...
> }}}

The syntax is different, but this should be possible.  See the
documentation on interpolation here:


> But current configuration syntax should work. Thanks for the help. 
> --
> Shantanu. 
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