On 12/22/2011 09:57 AM, amir_ben-...@agilent.com wrote:
Hi Hans,

Thank you again on your prompt answer. From your reply below, it is clear that 
it should be possible to run multiple Galaxy servers under a single linux - 
this is exactly what we are trying to do: running two galaxy servers (one 
production one for test). I would think this is relatively common scenario 
(i.e., setting up two servers), so it might be a good idea to figure out and 
post instructions on the wiki how to achieve this.


Note under 'Basic Configuration'.

We are really novice with regards to the linux OS (installed it within a 
'virtualbox' just to be able to run the galaxy server) - so there is no local 
linux sysadmin to consult (or someone that knows how to work with the 
database). We were hoping it would be relatively easy process to setup a galaxy 
server, perhaps we were too naïve...
Maybe a virtualbox-specific configuration issue, e.g. specify resources available to the VM. Is there a limit on mem, CPU, open ports, etc?
We do not understand the collision between the two instances, as they were 
installed in two different locations altogether (the production server is under 
'/home/liram/sdb1/galaxy-dist', and the test server is 
under'/home/liram/test/galaxy-dist') . Somehow, it seems that the two server do 
try to access some shared resource - we have no clue what is the shared 
resource and how to fix this.
Are you sure you have separate directories specifies with Apache? For instance, are both configured as the web server root (see link above)?
Let us know if there is some log file or additional information we can send you 
as we are completely stuck now :-(

Thanks again for your help,

Amir Ben-Dor
As Hans implied, might be nice to see how you configured Apache and Galaxy.


-----Original Message-----
From: Hans-Rudolf Hotz [mailto:h...@fmi.ch]
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 5:26 PM
To: VARDI,LIRAM (A-Labs,ex1)
Cc: cjfie...@illinois.edu; galaxy-...@bx.psu.edu; BEN-DOR,AMIR (A-Labs,ex1)
Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] running two Galaxy installations on one server - was: 
Re: Can not clean my galaxy datasets

On 12/22/2011 04:13 PM, liram_va...@agilent.com wrote:
Hi Chris,

Thank you.
Just to make sure that I fully understand:
Basically you say that there are no easy way to run two Galaxy process on the 
same Linux operating system?

Hi Liram

I am sorry, but I can't leave this statement out there without strongly 

I have been running up to 5 Galaxy servers (one production and four test
servers) on the same box without any problems.

It is difficult to help you remotely, with only seeing snippets from
your errors. But I am sure your local sysadmin can help you setting up
the relational databases and making sure the file systems for your two
servers are really separate from each other.



-----Original Message-----
From: Fields, Christopher J [mailto:cjfie...@illinois.edu]
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 4:50 PM
To: Hans-Rudolf Hotz
Cc: VARDI,LIRAM (A-Labs,ex1); galaxy-...@bx.psu.edu; BEN-DOR,AMIR (A-Labs,ex1)
Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] running two Galaxy installations on one server - was: 
Re: Can not clean my galaxy datasets

We are anticipating a similar issue and decided it would be easier to just have 
separate VMs where possible.  I know this isn't always possible, but it is a 
very easy way to both manage multiple galaxy instances and keep the various 
galaxy instances completely separate.


On Dec 22, 2011, at 6:10 AM, "Hans-Rudolf Hotz"<h...@fmi.ch>   wrote:

On 12/22/2011 11:46 AM, liram_va...@agilent.com wrote:
Hi Hans,

Thank you for your reply.
Anyway, I tried to install Galaxy again by using the site "check-out" (hg clone 
https://...)  and it still cause problems.

Specifically, those were my steps:
1) I Installed galaxy in different location.
2) After run run.sh in the first time, I changed universe_wsgi.ini to listen on 
different port.
It is hard to believe that your new test installation running with SQLite 
interferes with your existing installation running with PostgreSQL(?). Are you 
sure, there is not a third 'party' involved?

Also, I would stop at this step (ie: changed universe_wsgi.ini to listen on 
different port) and run your installation first like this. And wait with 
copying anything from the exiting code or data or directories. Till you manage 
to get the two web site to run in parallel without interfering with each other.

Regards, Hans

3) Manually, I copied "tools" and "tool-data" directories from the old instance 
of Galaxy to the new location (In order to get my new tools).
4) Also, I copied the old config tool file: " tool_conf.xml"
5) Then, Run the new Galaxy instance. In parallel, the old Galaxy is already "on 

The problem is that any operation on the new Galaxy instance cause to
the other Galaxy to Throw the following error message:

URL: http://<ip address>.../user/login?use_panels=False
 line 364 in respond
    app_iter = self.application(environ, detect_start_response) File
line 98 in __call__
    environ, self.app)
File '/home/liram/sdb1/galaxy-dist/eggs/Paste-1.6-py2.7.egg/paste/wsgilib.py', 
line 539 in intercept_output
    app_iter = application(environ, replacement_start_response) .
 line 931 in _handle_dbapi_exception
    raise exc.DBAPIError.instance(statement, parameters, e,
OperationalError: (OperationalError) database is locked u'UPDATE
galaxy_session SET update_time=?, is_valid=? WHERE galaxy_session.id
= ?' ['2011-12-22 10:27:05.978992', 0, 158]

I suppose that the problem is again caused due to collision between the 
But how can I separate between them?

Thanks you!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Hans-Rudolf Hotz [mailto:h...@fmi.ch]
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 4:59 PM
To: VARDI,LIRAM (A-Labs,ex1)
Cc: galaxy-...@bx.psu.edu; BEN-DOR,AMIR (A-Labs,ex1)
Subject: running two Galaxy installations on one server - was: Re:
[galaxy-dev] Can not clean my galaxy datasets

Hi Liram

I was suggesting: instead of copying the existing Galaxy directory into another 
location. Download and install a new Galaxy installation in a separate location 
on your file system.

for the installation procedure, see:


all you need to do in the new installation is changing the port number.
It will create its own file system and by default it will use its own SQLite 
database. Hence, there should be no interference with your existing, production 
Galaxy installation.

Regards, Hans

On 12/21/2011 09:16 AM, liram_va...@agilent.com wrote:
Hi Hans,

Thank you for your quick reply.

Sorry, But I'm a "rookie" Galaxy user, So may you pls explain me in
details the meaning by " running a second Galaxy server in parallel using a fresh 
check-out "?
Thank a lot for your assistance!


-----Original Message-----
From: Hans-Rudolf Hotz [mailto:h...@fmi.ch]
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 7:01 PM
To: VARDI,LIRAM (A-Labs,ex1)
Cc: Jennifer Jackson; Galaxy Dev; BEN-DOR,AMIR (A-Labs,ex1)
Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] Can not clean my galaxy datasets

Hi Liram

This sounds like the two Galaxy server use the same (PostgreSQL/MySQL) database.

Before copying your existing Galaxy server, you might wanna start with running 
a second Galaxy server in parallel using a fresh check-out.

Regards, Hans

Have you tried to run a

On 12/19/2011 04:08 PM, Jennifer Jackson wrote:

On 12/19/11 6:15 AM, liram_va...@agilent.com wrote:
Hi Jennifer,

Thank you again for the quick reply in my last issue.

I have another Galaxy problem and I hope you will be able to assist.
Because I am developing my Galaxy server while there are members
in my group that are using this Galaxy instance in parallel, I am
trying to create another Galaxy process (instance), which will be
used only for testing...

Therefore, I created a copy of Galaxy directory in other location
say: /galaxy-dist_test)
And changed the listening port in "universe_wsgi.ini" to another
port (8081).
Then, I tried to run both of Galaxy instances in parallel.
(One is listening on port 8080 and the other is on 8081)

The problem is occurred when I send a job for a run in one of the
instance (let say: the one that run on 8080), Then, It cause to
the another Instance (the one on port 8081) to collapse (And the
history is disappeared...)

What is the problem?
How can I solve it?
How can I create two different and self-contained galaxy servers
on the same computer?

I tried also to use the instructions :

But it was not helpful to my problem...

Thank you a lot!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Jackson [mailto:j...@bx.psu.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 4:42 PM
To: VARDI,LIRAM (A-Labs,ex1)
Cc: galaxy-...@bx.psu.edu
Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] Can not clean my galaxy datasets

Hello Liram,

Perhaps the allow_user_dataset_purge option has not been set to
True in universe_wsgi.ini?

Please see this wiki for details:

Hopefully this helps, but please let us know if you need more


Galaxy team

On 11/29/11 5:44 AM, liram_va...@agilent.com wrote:

My name is Liram Vardi and I'm using local Galaxy instance.

Anyway, I can't clean my deleted datasets from my own locally disk.

When I am trying to delete dataset, as was explained in

First, I used the "delete 'X' icon" near the dataset to delete
the dataset,

Then, when I go to "Options ->     Show Deleted Datasets", I can see
my "deleted dataset" on the list

with the note: /"This dataset has been deleted. Click _here_ to
undelete it"//*but I don't get the also the option "or _here_ to
immediately remove it from disk."*/.

Also, when I use the option "Options ->     Purge Deleted Datasets",
I'm getting a message "0 datasets have been deleted permanently"

my deleted dataset still stays in the "Options ->     Show Deleted Datasets"
menu list.

I also tried to clear the history, but when I'm doing that, the
"using X Mb" tab on the upper right corner is still not reset.

What is the problem?

Thanks a lot for your help!


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