It should be in your Galaxy installation directory, and your on-disk 
repositories will be in a directory under the setting you've defined for the 
"file_path" configuration in your community_wsgi.ini file.

On Apr 2, 2012, at 10:17 AM, Joachim Jacob wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> If it is most likely a configuration error, I will check my settings, and let 
> you know my progress.
> But one note: I do not have a hgweb.config file. Where is it supposed to 
> reside? I cannot find this info on the toolshed wiki.
> Joachim
> On 04/02/2012 03:30 PM, Greg Von Kuster wrote:
>> Hi Joachim,
>> I've not seen this in any of my tool shed development environments, nor 
>> using the test or main Galaxy tool sheds, so it is unlikely that this is a 
>> bug.  It looks more likely to be a configuration problem in your local tool 
>> shed environment.  Do the repositories defined in your hgweb.config match 
>> those you have on disk?
>> Greg Von Kuster
>> On Apr 2, 2012, at 8:38 AM, Joachim Jacob wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> On a local Toolshed freshly installed, I got these errors when browsing my 
>>> repository.
>>> Perhaps a bug?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Joachim
>>> Server Error
>>> URL: 
>>> Module paste.exceptions.errormiddleware:*143* in |__call__|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>app_iter
>>>  *=* self*.*application*(*environ*,* start_response*)*|
>>> Module paste.debug.prints:*98* in |__call__|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>environ*,*
>>>  self*.*app*)*|
>>> Module paste.wsgilib:*539* in |intercept_output|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>app_iter
>>>  *=* application*(*environ*,* replacement_start_response*)*|
>>> Module paste.recursive:*80* in |__call__|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>*return*
>>>  self*.*application*(*environ*,* start_response*)*|
>>> Module paste.httpexceptions:*632* in |__call__|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>*return*
>>>  self*.*application*(*environ*,* start_response*)*|
>>> Module galaxy.web.framework.base:*160* in |__call__|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>body
>>>  *=* method*(* trans*,* ****kwargs *)*|
>>> Module*985* in 
>>> |browse_repositories|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>*return*
>>>  self*.*repository_list_grid*(* trans*,* ****kwd *)*|
>>> Module galaxy.web.framework.helpers.grids:*277* in |__call__|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>kwargs*=*kwargs
>>>  *)*|
>>> Module galaxy.web.framework:*722* in |fill_template|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>*return*
>>>  self*.*fill_template_mako*(* filename*,* ****kwargs *)*|
>>> Module galaxy.web.framework:*733* in |fill_template_mako|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>*return*
>>>  template*.*render*(* ****data *)*|
>>> Module mako.template:*296* in |render|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>*return*
>>>  runtime*.*_render*(*self*,* self*.*callable_*,* args*,* data*)*|
>>> Module mako.runtime:*660* in |_render|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>****_kwargs_for_callable*(*callable_*,*
>>>  data*)**)*|
>>> Module mako.runtime:*692* in |_render_context|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>_exec_template*(*inherit*,*
>>>  lclcontext*,* args*=*args*,* kwargs*=*kwargs*)*|
>>> Module mako.runtime:*718* in |_exec_template|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>callable_*(*context*,*
>>>  ***args*,* ****kwargs*)*|
>>> Module _base_mako:*42* in |render_body|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>__M_writer*(*unicode*(*next*.*body*(**)**)**)*|
>>> Module _grid_base_mako:*119* in |render_body|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>__M_writer*(*unicode*(*self*.*grid_body*(*
>>>  grid *)**)**)*|
>>> Module _grid_base_mako:*790* in |render_grid_body|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>__M_writer*(*unicode*(*self*.*make_grid*(*
>>>  grid *)**)**)*|
>>> Module _grid_base_mako:*819* in |render_make_grid|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>__M_writer*(*unicode*(*self*.*render_grid_table*(*
>>>  grid*,* show_item_checkboxes *)**)**)*|
>>> Module _grid_base_mako:*768* in |render_render_grid_table|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>__M_writer*(*unicode*(*render_grid_table_body_contents*(*
>>>  grid*,* show_item_checkboxes *)**)**)*|
>>> Module _grid_base_mako:*664* in |render_grid_table_body_contents|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>*return*
>>> render_render_grid_table_body_contents*(*context*,*grid*,*show_item_checkboxes*)*|
>>> Module _grid_base_mako:*322* in |render_render_grid_table_body_contents|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>value
>>>  *=* column*.*get_value*(* trans*,* grid*,* item *)*|
>>> Module*84* in |get_value|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>select_field
>>>  *=* build_changeset_revision_select_field*(* trans*,* repository *)*|
>>> Module*992* in 
>>> |build_changeset_revision_select_field|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>repo
>>>  *=* hg*.*repository*(* get_configured_ui*(**)**,* repository*.*repo_path 
>>> *)*|
>>> Module*757* in 
>>> |get_configured_ui|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>_ui*.*setconfig*(*
>>>  'ui'*,* 'quiet'*,* True *)*|
>>> Module mercurial.ui:*113* in |setconfig|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>self*.*fixconfig*(**)*|
>>> Module mercurial.ui:*100* in |fixconfig|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>self*.*quiet
>>>  *=* *not* self*.*debugflag *and* self*.*configbool*(*'ui'*,* 'quiet'*)*|
>>> Module mercurial.ui:*134* in |configbool|
>>> |>>  
>>> <>*if*
>>>  v*.*lower*(**)* *not* *in* _booleans*:*|
>>> *AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'lower'
>>> *
>>> -- 
>>> Joachim Jacob, PhD
>>> Rijvisschestraat 120, 9052 Zwijnaarde
>>> Tel: +32 9 244.66.34
>>> Bioinformatics Training and Services (BITS)
>>> @bitsatvib
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