Hi Peter,

Here is the full log:

This is MIRA V3.4.0 (production version).

Please cite: Chevreux, B., Wetter, T. and Suhai, S. (1999), Genome Sequence
Assembly Using Trace Signals and Additional Sequence Information.
Computer Science and Biology: Proceedings of the German Conference on
Bioinformatics (GCB) 99, pp. 45-56.

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Compiled by: bach
Sun Aug 21 17:50:30 CEST 2011
On: Linux arcadia 2.6.38-11-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 29 19:02:55
UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Compiled in boundtracking mode.
Compiled in bugtracking mode.
Compiled with ENABLE64 activated.
Runtime settings (sorry, for debug):
        Size of size_t  : 8
        Size of uint32  : 4
        Size of uint32_t: 4
        Size of uint64  : 8
        Size of uint64_t: 8
Current system: Linux whsiao-ubuntu 2.6.32-40-generic #87-Ubuntu SMP
Tue Mar 6 00:56:56 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Parsing parameters: --job=denovo,genome,accurate SANGER_SETTINGS
COMMON_SETTINGS -OUT:orf=1:orc=1:ora=1:orw=1:orm=0:org=0:ors=0

Parameters parsed without error, perfect.

-CL:pec and -CO:emeas1clpec are set, setting -CO:emea values to 1.
Parameter settings seen for:
Sanger data (also common parameters)

Used parameter settings:
  General (-GE):
        Project name in (proin)                     : mira
        Project name out (proout)                   : mira
        Number of threads (not)                     : 2
        Automatic memory management (amm)           : yes
            Keep percent memory free (kpmf)         : 15
            Max. process size (mps)                 : 0
        EST SNP pipeline step (esps)                : 0
        Use template information (uti)              : yes
            Template insert size minimum (tismin)   : -1
            Template insert size maximum (tismax)   : -1
            Template partner build direction (tpbd) : -1
        Colour reads by hash frequency (crhf)       : yes

  Load reads options (-LR):
        Load sequence data (lsd)                    : yes
            File type (ft)                          : fastq
            External quality (eq)                   : from SCF (scf)
                Ext. qual. override (eqo)           : no
                Discard reads on e.q. error (droeqe): no
            Solexa scores in qual file (ssiqf)      : no
            FASTQ qual offset (fqqo)                : 0

        Wants quality file (wqf)                    : yes

        Read naming scheme (rns)                    :  [san] Sanger Institute 

        Merge with XML trace info (mxti)            : no

        Filecheck only (fo)                         : no

  Assembly options (-AS):
        Number of passes (nop)                      : 4
            Skim each pass (sep)                    : yes
        Maximum number of RMB break loops (rbl)     : 2
        Maximum contigs per pass (mcpp)             : 0

        Minimum read length (mrl)                   : 80
        Minimum reads per contig (mrpc)             : 2
        Base default quality (bdq)                  : 10
        Enforce presence of qualities (epoq)        : yes

        Automatic repeat detection (ard)            : yes
            Coverage threshold (ardct)              : 2
            Minimum length (ardml)                  : 400
            Grace length (ardgl)                    : 40
            Use uniform read distribution (urd)     : no
              Start in pass (urdsip)                : 3
              Cutoff multiplier (urdcm)             : 1.5
        Keep long repeats separated (klrs)          : no

        Spoiler detection (sd)                      : yes
            Last pass only (sdlpo)                  : yes

        Use genomic pathfinder (ugpf)               : yes

        Use emergency search stop (uess)            : yes
            ESS partner depth (esspd)               : 500
        Use emergency blacklist (uebl)              : yes
        Use max. contig build time (umcbt)          : no
            Build time in seconds (bts)             : 10000

  Strain and backbone options (-SB):
        Load straindata (lsd)                       : no
        Assign default strain (ads)                 : no
            Default strain name (dsn)               : StrainX
        Load backbone (lb)                          : no
            Start backbone usage in pass (sbuip)    : 3
            Backbone file type (bft)                : fasta
            Backbone base quality (bbq)             : 30
            Backbone strain name (bsn)              : ReferenceStrain
                Force for all (bsnffa)              : no
            Backbone rail from strain (brfs)        :
            Backbone rail length (brl)              : 0
            Backbone rail overlap (bro)             : 0
            Also build new contigs (abnc)           : yes

  Dataprocessing options (-DP):
        Use read extensions (ure)                   : yes
            Read extension window length (rewl)     : 30
            Read extension w. maxerrors (rewme)     : 2
            First extension in pass (feip)          : 0
            Last extension in pass (leip)           : 0

  Clipping options (-CL):
        Merge with SSAHA2/SMALT vector screen (msvs): no
            Gap size (msvsgs)                       : 10
            Max front gap (msvsmfg)                 : 60
            Max end gap (msvsmeg)                   : 120
            Strict front clip (msvssfc)             : 0
            Strict end clip (msvssec)               : 0
        Possible vector leftover clip (pvlc)        : yes
            maximum len allowed (pvcmla)            : 18
        Min qual. threshold for entire read (mqtfer): 0
            Number of bases (mqtfernob)             : 0
        Quality clip (qc)                           : no
            Minimum quality (qcmq)                  : 20
            Window length (qcwl)                    : 30
        Bad stretch quality clip (bsqc)             : yes
            Minimum quality (bsqcmq)                : 20
            Window length (bsqcwl)                  : 30
        Masked bases clip (mbc)                     : yes
            Gap size (mbcgs)                        : 20
            Max front gap (mbcmfg)                  : 40
            Max end gap (mbcmeg)                    : 60
        Lower case clip (lcc)                       : no
        Clip poly A/T at ends (cpat)                : no
            Keep poly-a signal (cpkps)              : no
            Minimum signal length (cpmsl)           : 12
            Max errors allowed (cpmea)              : 1
            Max gap from ends (cpmgfe)              : 9
        Clip 3 prime polybase (c3pp)                : no
            Minimum signal length (c3ppmsl)         : 12
            Max errors allowed (c3ppmea)            : 2
            Max gap from ends (c3ppmgfe)            : 9
        Clip known adaptors right (ckar)            : no
        Ensure minimum left clip (emlc)             : yes
            Minimum left clip req. (mlcr)           : 25
            Set minimum left clip to (smlc)         : 30
        Ensure minimum right clip (emrc)            : no
            Minimum right clip req. (mrcr)          : 10
            Set minimum right clip to (smrc)        : 20

        Apply SKIM chimera detection clip (ascdc)   : yes
        Apply SKIM junk detection clip (asjdc)      : no

        Propose end clips (pec)                     : yes
            Bases per hash (pecbph)                 : 17
            Handle Solexa GGCxG problem (pechsgp)   : yes

        Clip bad solexa ends (cbse)                 : yes

  Parameters for SKIM algorithm (-SK):
        Number of threads (not)                     : 2

        Also compute reverse complements (acrc)     : yes
        Bases per hash (bph)                        : 21
        Hash save stepping (hss)                    : 1
        Percent required (pr)                       : 65

        Max hits per read (mhpr)                    : 2000
        Max megahub ratio (mmhr)                    : 0

        SW check on backbones (swcob)               : no

        Freq. est. min normal (fenn)                : 0.4
        Freq. est. max normal (fexn)                : 1.6
        Freq. est. repeat (fer)                     : 1.9
        Freq. est. heavy repeat (fehr)              : 8
        Freq. est. crazy (fecr)                     : 20
        Mask nasty repeats (mnr)                    : yes
            Nasty repeat ratio (nrr)                : 100
        Repeat level in info file (rliif)           : 6

        Max hashes in memory (mhim)                 : 15000000
        MemCap: hit reduction (mchr)                : 2048

  Pathfinder options (-PF):
        Use quick rule (uqr)                        : yes
            Quick rule min len 1 (qrml1)            : 200
            Quick rule min sim 1 (qrms1)            : 90
            Quick rule min len 2 (qrml2)            : 100
            Quick rule min sim 2 (qrms2)            : 95
        Backbone quick overlap min len (bqoml)      : 150
        Max. start cache fill time (mscft)          : 5

  Align parameters for Smith-Waterman align (-AL):
        Bandwidth in percent (bip)             : 20
        Bandwidth max (bmax)                   : 130
        Bandwidth min (bmin)                   : 25
        Minimum score (ms)                     : 30
        Minimum overlap (mo)                   : 17
        Minimum relative score in % (mrs)      : 65
        Solexa_hack_max_errors (shme)          : 0
        Extra gap penalty (egp)                : no
            extra gap penalty level (egpl)     :  [san] low
            Max. egp in percent (megpp)        : 100

  Contig parameters (-CO):
        Name prefix (np)                                         : mira
        Reject on drop in relative alignment score in % (rodirs) : 25
        Mark repeats (mr)                                        : yes
            Only in result (mroir)                               : no
            Assume SNP instead of repeats (asir)                 : no
            Minimum reads per group needed for tagging (mrpg)    : 2
            Minimum neighbour quality needed for tagging (mnq)   : 20
            Minimum Group Quality needed for RMB Tagging (mgqrt) : 30
            End-read Marking Exclusion Area in bases (emea)      : 1
                Set to 1 on clipping PEC (emeas1clpec)           : yes
            Also mark gap bases (amgb)                           : yes
                Also mark gap bases - even multicolumn (amgbemc) : yes
                Also mark gap bases - need both strands (amgbnbs): yes
        Force non-IUPAC consensus per sequencing type (fnicpst)  : no
        Merge short reads (msr)                                  : no
            Keep ends unmerged (msrkeu)                          : -1
        Gap override ratio (gor)                                 : 66

  Edit options (-ED):
        Automatic contig editing (ace)              : no
     Sanger only:
        Strict editing mode (sem)                   : no
        Confirmation threshold in percent (ct)      : 50

  Misc (-MI):
        Stop on NFS (sonfs)                         : yes
        Extended log (el)                           : no
        Large contig size (lcs)                     : 500
        Large contig size for stats(lcs4s)          : 5000
        Stop on max read name length (somrnl)       : 40

  Directories (-DI):
        Working directory                 :
        When loading EXP files            :
        When loading SCF files            :
        Top directory for writing files   : mira_assembly
        For writing result files          : mira_assembly/mira_d_results
        For writing result info files     : mira_assembly/mira_d_info
        For writing tmp files             : mira_assembly/mira_d_tmp
        Tmp redirected to (trt)           :
        For writing checkpoint files      : mira_assembly/mira_d_chkpt

  File names (-FN):
        When loading sequences from FASTA            : mira_in.sanger.fasta
        When loading qualities from FASTA quality    : mira_in.sanger.fasta.qual
        When loading sequences from FASTQ            :
        When loading project from CAF                : mira_in.sanger.caf
        When loading project from MAF (disabled)     : mira_in.sanger.maf
        When loading EXP fofn                        : mira_in.sanger.fofn
        When loading project from PHD                : mira_in.phd.1
        When loading strain data                     : mira_straindata_in.txt
        When loading XML trace info files            : 
        When loading SSAHA2 vector screen results    : 
        When loading SMALT vector screen results     : 

        When loading backbone from MAF               : mira_backbone_in.maf
        When loading backbone from CAF               : mira_backbone_in.caf
        When loading backbone from GenBank           : mira_backbone_in.gbf
        When loading backbone from GFF3              : mira_backbone_in.gff3
        When loading backbone from FASTA             : mira_backbone_in.fasta

  Output files (-OUTPUT/-OUT):
        Save simple singlets in project (sssip)      : no
        Save tagged singlets in project (stsip)      : yes

        Remove rollover tmps (rrot)                  : yes
        Remove tmp directory (rtd)                   : yes

    Result files:
        Saved as CAF                       (orc)     : yes
        Saved as MAF                       (orm)     : no
        Saved as FASTA                     (orf)     : yes
        Saved as GAP4 (directed assembly)  (org)     : no
        Saved as phrap ACE                 (ora)     : yes
        Saved as GFF3                     (org3)     : no
        Saved as HTML                      (orh)     : no
        Saved as Transposed Contig Summary (ors)     : no
        Saved as simple text format        (ort)     : no
        Saved as wiggle                    (orw)     : yes

    Temporary result files:
        Saved as CAF                       (otc)     : yes
        Saved as MAF                       (otm)     : no
        Saved as FASTA                     (otf)     : no
        Saved as GAP4 (directed assembly)  (otg)     : no
        Saved as phrap ACE                 (ota)     : no
        Saved as HTML                      (oth)     : no
        Saved as Transposed Contig Summary (ots)     : no
        Saved as simple text format        (ott)     : no

    Extended temporary result files:
        Saved as CAF                      (oetc)     : no
        Saved as FASTA                    (oetf)     : no
        Saved as GAP4 (directed assembly) (oetg)     : no
        Saved as phrap ACE                (oeta)     : no
        Saved as HTML                     (oeth)     : no
        Save also singlets               (oetas)     : no

    Alignment output customisation:
        TEXT characters per line (tcpl)              : 60
        HTML characters per line (hcpl)              : 60
        TEXT end gap fill character (tegfc)          :
        HTML end gap fill character (hegfc)          :

    File / directory output names:
        CAF             : mira_out.caf
        MAF             : mira_out.maf
        FASTA           : mira_out.unpadded.fasta
        FASTA quality   : mira_out.unpadded.fasta.qual
        FASTA (padded)  : mira_out.padded.fasta
        FASTA qual.(pad): mira_out.padded.fasta.qual
        GAP4 (directory): mira_out.gap4da
        ACE             : mira_out.ace
        HTML            : mira_out.html
        Simple text     : mira_out.txt
        TCS overview    : mira_out.tcs
        Wiggle          : mira_out.wig
Deleting old directory mira_assembly ... done.
Creating directory mira_assembly ... done.
Creating directory mira_assembly/mira_d_tmp ... done.
Creating directory mira_assembly/mira_d_results ... done.
Creating directory mira_assembly/mira_d_info ... done.
Creating directory mira_assembly/mira_d_chkpt ... done.

Tmp directory is not on a NFS mount, good.

Localtime: Thu Apr 19 10:53:58 2012

Loading data (Sanger) from FASTQ files,
Localtime: Thu Apr 19 10:53:58 2012
Counting sequences in FASTQ file: found 1 sequences.
Localtime: Thu Apr 19 10:53:58 2012
Localtime: Thu Apr 19 10:53:58 2012

Checking SCF files (loading qualities only if needed):
 [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%]
....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%]
....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
0 SCF files loaded ok.

Sanger will load 1 reads.
Longest Sanger: 36
Longest 454: 0
Longest IonTor: 0
Longest PacBio: 0
Longest Solexa: 0
Longest Solid: 0
Longest overall: 36
Total reads to load: 1
Reserving space for reads
Reserved space for 11 reads.
Loading data (Sanger) from FASTQ files,
Localtime: Thu Apr 19 10:53:58 2012
Counting sequences in FASTQ file: found 1 sequences.
Localtime: Thu Apr 19 10:53:58 2012
Using calculated FASTQ quality offset: 104
Localtime: Thu Apr 19 10:53:58 2012
Loading data from FASTQ file:
 [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%]
....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%]
....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]

Loaded 1 reads, Localtime: Thu Apr 19 10:53:58 2012
Localtime: Thu Apr 19 10:53:58 2012

Checking SCF files (loading qualities only if needed):
 [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%]
....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%]
....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
0 SCF files loaded ok.
1 SCF files were not found (see
'mira_assembly/mira_d_tmp/mira_info_scfreadfail.0' for a list of

Loaded 1 Sanger reads.
Total reads loaded: 1
Localtime: Thu Apr 19 10:53:58 2012

Checking SCF files (loading qualities only if needed):
 [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%]
....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%]
....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
0 SCF files loaded ok.
1 SCF files were not found (see
'mira_assembly/mira_d_tmp/mira_info_scfreadfail.0' for a list of

Checking reads for trace data:
 [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%]
....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%]
....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
No SCF data present in any read, automatic contig editing for Sanger
data is now switched off.
1 reads with valid data for assembly.
Localtime: Thu Apr 19 10:53:58 2012

Generated 1 unique template ids for 1 valid reads.
No useful template information found, template routines will not be used.
Localtime: Thu Apr 19 10:53:58 2012

Generated 0 unique strain ids for 1 reads.
Strain "default" has 1 reads.
Have read pool with 1 reads.

Pool statistics:
Backbones: 0    Backbone rails: 0

                Sanger  454     IonTor  PacBio  Solexa  SOLiD
Total reads     1       0       0       0       0       0
Reads wo qual   0       0       0       0       0       0
Used reads      0       0       0       0       0       0
Avg tot rlen    36      0       0       0       0       0
Avg rlen used   0       0       0       0       0       0

With strain     0       0       0       0       0       0
W/o clips       0       0       0       0       0       0

Sanger  total bases:36  used bases in used reads: 0
454     total bases:0   used bases in used reads: 0
IonTor  total bases:0   used bases in used reads: 0
PacBio  total bases:0   used bases in used reads: 0
Solexa  total bases:0   used bases in used reads: 0
Solid   total bases:0   used bases in used reads: 0

========================== Memory self assessment ==============================
Running in 64 bit mode.

Dump from /proc/meminfo
MemTotal:       16209628 kB
MemFree:         6527928 kB
Buffers:          324332 kB
Cached:          6344208 kB
SwapCached:          424 kB
Active:          5900208 kB
Inactive:        2224260 kB
Active(anon):    1308772 kB
Inactive(anon):   179636 kB
Active(file):    4591436 kB
Inactive(file):  2044624 kB
Unevictable:          56 kB
Mlocked:              56 kB
SwapTotal:      39535608 kB
SwapFree:       39531904 kB
Dirty:              4292 kB
Writeback:             0 kB
AnonPages:       1455560 kB
Mapped:           187664 kB
Shmem:             32480 kB
Slab:             326072 kB
SReclaimable:     296460 kB
SUnreclaim:        29612 kB
KernelStack:        4000 kB
PageTables:        31452 kB
NFS_Unstable:          0 kB
Bounce:                0 kB
WritebackTmp:          0 kB
CommitLimit:    47640420 kB
Committed_AS:    3610840 kB
VmallocTotal:   34359738367 kB
VmallocUsed:      354268 kB
VmallocChunk:   34359380860 kB
HardwareCorrupted:     0 kB
HugePages_Total:       0
HugePages_Free:        0
HugePages_Rsvd:        0
HugePages_Surp:        0
Hugepagesize:       2048 kB
DirectMap4k:     2587200 kB
DirectMap2M:    13926400 kB
DirectMap1G:           0 kB

Dump from /proc/self/status
Name:   mira
State:  R (running)
Tgid:   20591
Pid:    20591
PPid:   20590
TracerPid:      0
Uid:    0       0       0       0
Gid:    0       0       0       0
FDSize: 64
Groups: 0
VmPeak:    11920 kB
VmSize:    11916 kB
VmLck:         0 kB
VmHWM:      7192 kB
VmRSS:      7192 kB
VmData:     6556 kB
VmStk:        88 kB
VmExe:      5236 kB
VmLib:         0 kB
VmPTE:        40 kB
Threads:        1
SigQ:   1/16382
SigPnd: 0000000000000000
ShdPnd: 0000000000000000
SigBlk: 0000000000000000
SigIgn: 0000000001001000
SigCgt: 0000000180000000
CapInh: 0000000000000000
CapPrm: ffffffffffffffff
CapEff: ffffffffffffffff
CapBnd: ffffffffffffffff
Cpus_allowed:   3f
Cpus_allowed_list:      0-5
Mems_allowed:   00000000,00000001
Mems_allowed_list:      0
voluntary_ctxt_switches:        10
nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches:     4

Information on current assembly object:

AS_readpool: 1 reads.
AS_contigs: 0 contigs.
AS_bbcontigs: 0 contigs.
Mem used for reads: 3136 (3 KiB)

Memory used in assembly structures:
                                           Eff. Size   Free cap. LostByAlign
     AS_writtenskimhitsperid:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
               AS_skim_edges:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
                 AS_adsfacts:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
          AS_confirmed_edges:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
   AS_permanent_overlap_bans:          1        24 B         0 B         0 B
              AS_readhitmiss:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
            AS_readhmcovered:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
                AS_count_rhm:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
                 AS_clipleft:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
                AS_clipright:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
                 AS_used_ids:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
              AS_multicopies:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
            AS_hasmcoverlaps:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
       AS_maxcoveragereached:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
       AS_coverageperseqtype:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
           AS_istroublemaker:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
                 AS_isdebris:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
          AS_needalloverlaps:          0        40 B         0 B         0 B
    AS_readsforrepeatresolve:          0        40 B         0 B         0 B
                AS_allrmbsok:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
        AS_probablermbsnotok:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
            AS_weakrmbsnotok:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
          AS_readmaytakeskim:          0        40 B         0 B         0 B
               AS_skimstaken:          0        40 B         0 B         0 B
          AS_numskimoverlaps:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
       AS_numleftextendskims:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
         AS_rightextendskims:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
      AS_skimleftextendratio:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
     AS_skimrightextendratio:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
             AS_usedtmpfiles:          3       112 B         0 B         0 B
Total: 4008 (4 KiB)

Dynamic allocs: 0
Align allocs: 0

Fatal error (may be due to problems of the input data or parameters):

"No read can be used for assembly."

->Thrown: void Assembly::dumpSomeStatistics()
->Caught: main

Aborting process, probably due to error in the input data or parametrisation.
Please check the output log for more information.
For help, please write a mail to the mira talk mailing list.

Subscribing / unsubscribing to mira talk, see:

CWD: /usr/local/projects/galaxy-dist/database/job_working_directory/000/253
Thank you for noticing that this is *NOT* a crash, but a
controlled program stop.

MIRA took 0.00 minutes
Return error code 1 from command:
mira --job=denovo,genome,accurate SANGER_SETTINGS
COMMON_SETTINGS -OUT:orf=1:orc=1:ora=1:orw=1:orm=0:org=0:ors=0

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Peter Cock <p.j.a.c...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 6:35 PM, JIE CHEN <jiechenable1...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi Peter,
> >
> > Thank you for your patience. I checked the error message in the history.
> > They all give exactly the same error-- the one i gave in the first
> thread.
> Are you saying this is the entire contents of the MIRA log entry in the
> history?
> Return error code 1 from command:
> mira --job=denovo,genome,accurate SANGER_SETTINGS
> -LR:lsd=1:mxti=0:ft=fastq
> -FN:fqi=/media/partition2_/galaxydb_data/000/dataset_290.dat
> SOLEXA_SETTINGS -LR:lsd=1:ft=fastq
> -FN:fqi=/media/partition2_/galaxydb_data/000/dataset_290.dat
> COMMON_SETTINGS -OUT:orf=1:orc=1:ora=1:orw=1:orm=0:org=0:ors=0
> -OUT:rrot=1:rtd=1
> I'm pretty sure you are just telling me the error message. I would have
> expected
> more than that, e.g. a line "MIRA took XXX minutes" before that error
> message.
> To try to be even clearer:
> 1. Start your web browser and goto your Galaxy
> 2. Upload/import the files
> 3. Select the MIRA tool from left hand pane
> 4. Select input files and set parameters
> 5. Click "Execute"
> 6. Notice that six new history entries appear: MIRA contigs (FASTA),
> MIRA contigs (QUAL)",MIRA contigs (CAF), MIRA contigs (ACE)", MIRA
> coverage (Wiggle), MIRA log
> 7. Wait for MIRA to fail and the six new history entries to go red.
> 8. Click on the "eye" icon for the red history item "MIRA log"
> 9. Copy and paste the MIRA log contents to an email.
> Also, and perhaps equally useful, can you access this server at the
> command line and try the exact same failing command (from a temp
> directory - it may create lots of files and folders)?
> Peter
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