
I am trying to map a a fastqsacer file and map it with bwa, my bwa tool
config file is this:

<tool id="bwa_mio" name="map with bwa">
  <description>map with bwa</description>
  <parallelism method="basic" split_size="2"

      bwa mem /home/ralonso/BiB/Galaxy/data/Cclementina_v1.0_scaffolds.fa
$input > $output 2>xx</command>
    <param format="fastqsanger" name="input" type="data" label="fastq"/>
      <data format="sam" name="output" />



And when I see the stderr I see this error:
type object 'Sequence' has no attribute 'get_split_commands_sequential'

It seems that this command that I see in the log is not working
galaxy.jobs.runners DEBUG 2015-02-11 16:33:48,738 (74) command is:
/home/ralonso/galaxy-dist/database/job_working_directory/000/74/task_0; bwa
mem /home/ralonso/BiB/Galaxy/data/Cclementina_v1.0_scaffolds.fa

When I go directly to the code, around line 559 of class
galaxy.datatypes.sequence I can't find this function
 get_split_commands_sequential anywhere.
Any idea?

Thank you very much


Roberto Alonso
Functional Genomics Unit
Bioinformatics and Genomics Department
Prince Felipe Research Center (CIPF)
C./Eduardo Primo Yúfera (Científic), nº 3
(junto Oceanografico)
46012 Valencia, Spain
Tel: +34 963289680 Ext. 1021
Fax: +34 963289574
E-Mail: ralo...@cipf.es
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