Fighting games actually are very current. There are tons of them being made, especially in Asia. I'm not entirely sure what you mean though.. are you talking about current as in popular, what people are playing at the time? Because that changes depending on what the new fad is... seems like most of what you're refering to are shooters as those are the examples you've given. I wasn't trying to criticize, I know you are just curious... most people are. lol And racing games, depending on which game you're talking about, can be playable to a degree. I can't think of any off the top of my head. Fighting games are where i spend most of my time.. especially with the inclusion of online features. And fighting games are actually quite popular and out in the open now... there are a lot of fighting game tournaments and they are probably one of the few genres that allows for competition. And now that internet streaming of tournaments is so common, fighting games are getting more and more noticed. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Wassel" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] games playable on consoles [was]Re: what will ittake for this community to learn?

Yes sports games are possible. But answer me this: How do you play racing games? How do you know where to turn or if you're going the wrong way? Rockband I understand, it's a great game and I like playing it. I guess my point is that we can't play more of the current things if that makes sense. Like COD or Resident Evil. That's why I like playing games like Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts and Mass Effect (to a degree). I guess you could play third person shooters if you do what I do and use a lock-on system or use sound cues which is how I play them, ut FPS's are, I think, out completely. I'm not trying to make it sound like totals can't, I'm really just curious.

On Jun 24, 2013, at 11:00 PM, lenron brown <> wrote:

very true I love racing games and many others on my x box 360 it
sometimes just takes practice

On 6/24/13, Clement Chou <> wrote:
Let's just say that as a total we've been able to play more games than most

people expect... even my friends with low vision. Fighting games are
probaqbly boring only because you play against the computer... it's much
more stimulating to play against humans and delve into the meet of the game

which is usually more mental. Street Fighter IV, for example, has pretty
simple mechanics. But those mechanics build into longer combos and strategy

that can't be found in any other genre. But totals can play the majority of

hack n slashes to at least a certain degree. Many people are able to play Ninja gaiden 3 without issue and are already close to beating the game, and

games such as Rock Band and some sports games are also playable. But that's

a whole other topic. lol
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Wassel" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 3:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] what will it take for this community to learn?

I am not about to read 40 messages, so I will just comment on this first
one.  I agree with Thomas on his points.  While I don't play many audio
games mainly because I don't care for the content when I have other games on my ps2/ps3 that I play more, I see it all the time with this community that people aren't happy, that they bitch and moan about keys/cracks of
games all the time after a game is released, and even after it's been
released. However, you can't put the blind community at 100% fault. The
same thing goes on with sighted gamers.  But since we are a relatively
smaller community it hits a lot harder. If you don't have a thick skin and

can just let comments roll off, you're going to quit. This is why I don't

develop. One reason is because I don't have the time to do it, the other reason is if I did and started to get a whole lot of complaints, I know
I'd explode on somebody.
I've said it before. These debs go through a lot of work to create a game

for everyone to enjoy. It takes a while to code and find bugs and get rid

of them.  I'm glad Jeremy has not quit his work because right now, he's
the only one that is making modern games for us.  If he wasn't here, I
doubt that TRTR would've been made or any of the other games that are
starting to come out.  The same thing happened with Entombed.  That was
the closest that I've ever seen an audio game come to final fantasy. I'd

like to see more like that, however I know that that starts to get harder

because with more complex things you want happening, the more code you
need to put in/the more time you need to put into the game.
Another person who has been working with this for a while is Dentin. He's

actually put in code for us to make Alter better and easier to play. Not

only does he put up with sighted people bitching at him because equipment

gets dented or things are really hard, but he's putting up with the blind

community complaining when mush-z doesn't work. Hopefully most of those
messages get sent to the right channel but who knows.
I don't know if I'll read this thread after I send this message. But I'll

repeat what I said at the beginning of this reply. While we are a smaller

community, we can not put all the blame on the blind people. This kind of

thing happens on a much larger scale with the sighted players. However, if we keep this up pretty soon you're going to have no one left who wants

to make games for the blind and then you all will start complaining about

how you all have nothing that matches up with what todays consoles have. And whose fault will that be but your own? Not everyone can play todays
games on the ps3 or Xbox360.  I know I'm having trouble with the little
amount of vision that I have.  It's almost impossible for me to play
anything new that comes out because the print is to small for me to read
or I can't see what is on the screen.  I know it's way harder if not
completely impossible for totals to play anything but fighting games which

I can not stand whatsoever. They just bore me after about 15 minutes. As

I said, keep it up and see what happens.

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