)Hi kara.

I fully agree on coorporate greed and sales value and there are undoubtedly games where as I said the intention of the violence is a little hard to fathom.

My comparrison of a farmer shooting predators however wasn't to say that that makes it okay to shoot people, even in a game, it was just to illustrate the fact that while in real life there are situations where the environment itself requires a more violent response, if your game as an art form has one of those situations, as a simulation of that world a violent response isn't unreasonable.

A zombie survival game like swamp for example isn't unreasonable to expect the player to shoot zombies, since obviously if they don't in that make believe situation they will end up munched.

Now you are correct that because games are artificial the designer has a lot of control over the environment and the factors involved. This is why I wouldn't condone games like grand theft auto or indeed certain varieties of war games that blatantly have the player engaging in battle against other national groups in some make believe future war, often with lots of gore involved. However equally I don't think a game like Swamp is really guilty of unnecessary violence.

It's rather the same way if you read a good zombie appocoalypse novel people might kill zombies at some point, but won't treat it as humourous or as a game but as an act of survival. In a bad zombie appocalypse novel (and I indeed read one last year which did this), zombie killing is treated as a sport or a game.

Of course, all this is a sliding scale, but my concern with being too down on game violence is that of sensorship, and also as I said in an earlier post of confusing commical amounts of blood with real pain.

Beware the grue!


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