Hi Tom.

I recognize the experience issue, which is precisely why I try to analyse the factors which make a game like marrio brothers, (simple though it is), more addictive and entertaining to play than a game like Q9, and then analise these factors in detail so that my experience is at least sshared.

I do still certainly play mainstream games, indeed I've just reconnected my megadrive (genesis), this morning and was having a bash at streets of rage 2, however as an adult I can break that experience down and analyse it, and then share my thoughts which I do hope are helpful.

Regarding mathematics, well that is a good point, though perhaps that is an area where experienced programers could offer some explanation.

For example, I do not precisely know the relative walking speeds, jump hights or stopping distances of characters in any game, and thus can only guess at the numbers (2.5 marrio hights is only a rough guess).

perhaps however, since the physics is not at rock bottom that complex, someone who does have that understanding such as yourself or che martin could write some information that other programmers could examine, since it'd make a major difference to an audio game just to get this factor sorted out.

Imagine a 1D side scroller like Q9, but with knockback when hit, analogue jumps and correct accelleration. You'd have something miles harder, without including any new tricks of viewpoint or methods of conveying information in audio.

Beware the grue!


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