Interesting thoughts tom. I certainly agree replayability and the ability to create custom content matter a great deal, however I would disagree in terms of complexity.

While games that have a steeper learning curve will put off some people, at the same time the simpler a game is, the more likely it is to reduce down to a basic reaction test.

Look at games like Swamp, and indeed shades of doom. Indeed, it is interesting that while Packman talks is a far simpler game to play and understand than shades, is quite possible to pick up and just press the arrows, it seems far less prominant. Ditto with swamp or entombed, or indeed Sound rts.

While David greenwood is an exceptional developer and has written some fantastic games, i will say that writing quick and understandable manuals isn't exactly his forte. They are very complete and provide all the information, but for a first time player they can be a little on the confusing side.

Indeed, I remember myself downloading and trying the demos of both startrek final conflict and Lone wolf in around 2006, attempting to get to grips with both games and not doing so, I just felt I didn't get everything that was going on or really understand the game just from reading the manuals.

Then, some time later I listened to pod cast demos of both games and thought "hay, that sound pretty cool!"

I think if someone did a full demonstrationg of time of conflict 2.0, showed people the keys to play and most common optionns, went through the game basics a lot more people would be willing to give it a try.

Another great example is King of dragon pass for the Iphone. The game is complex, the interface is complex (and indeed used to take a little wangling), but thanks to a very comprehensive podcast on applevis, it's possible to get up and running with the game very quickly.

Indeed I probably ought to see about some more podcasts myself of one sort or another.

So, while I do see the corrilation with complexity, at the same time, I do think this can be very much alleviated with a good explanation.

Beware the grue!


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