Hi Dark,

Once again those are some good points, and I agree classing the game
as Anime is to stereotypical. I also agree with your brother that
Japanese anime is much more creative than what Hollywood and the BBC
are putting out these days. I have not seen that much Japanese anime
myself, but what I have seen tends to be high quality and can be
pretty much anything as you pointed out.

I forgot that adult oriented anime is called Hentai, but that is
beside the point though. I was merely wanted to point out the fact
that anime can be anything even pornographic in some cases. Its not
just your stereotypical ninja movie or a movie about high tech robots
and spaceships. Japanese anime can be comity, science fiction,
fantasy, horror, romance, etc.


On 7/21/14, dark <d...@xgam.org> wrote:
> Hi Tom.
> Actually I shouldn't really have used the term "anime" in this context. My
> brother is a fan of "anime" however the stuff he watches (and the stuff I
> pinch off him), can range in genre very much, for example over christmas we
> watched two series, Shiki, which is a very character based drama that turns
> slowly into an extremely shocking and tragic horror concerning vampires in a
> small village, and Spice n wolf, a fantasy tale about a girl who can turn
> into a wolf and her travels with a merchant in a sort of medeival land where
> there are some elements of magic and spirits, ---- although the series was
> mostly about the merchant's various dealings.
> I once asked my brother why exactly he watched so much anime specifically
> over what was available in the west and he simply stated (quite accurately),
> that a lot of what hollywood, and to an extent the bbc are doing now is very
> generic, predictable and built along similar lines, where as in Japan things
> are being much more creative in terms of telling interesting stories.This is
> particularly true sinse in a lot of Anime you are not simply seeing the
> events that occur as you might in a western film or a western animated
> program, you are seeing the character's perspective on those events.
> For example Wlecome to the Nhk is a very simple story about a young man with
> agoraphobia who gets progressively tied up with various other bad ways of
> coping with his life before he sorts himself out, addiction to online games,
> geting wrapped up with pyramid schemes etc, yet a good half of the program
> is what is going on in his brain, rather than in the real world around him.
> This is also why i really shouldn't have used the term "anime" sinse it
> rather perpetuates the sterriotype that all anime is like dragon ball,
> bleach, inuhasha etc, ie, samurai, swords, magic, robotss, demons and nasty
> things with tentacles, with big battles and explosions, which it certainly
> is not. This is more properly "shonan",, or anime aimed at young boys,
> though unfortunately as I said it's become something of a sterriotype.
> Btw, the pawnographic anime is known as Hentai and generally people use that
> term when refering to it, rather than classing it with anime generaly.
> With blind swordsman, it was the plot that reminded me very much of Afro
> Samurai, and to a lesser extent samurai seven or fist of the north star,
> sinse you play a swordsman trying to find a warlock to restore his vision
> who must fight his way past various people on the path to the warlock's
> tower, while Afro Samurai is about a Samurai (voiced and indeed rather
> modeled on MAce Windu himself, Samual L jackson), whoo is climbing a
> mountain path to try and confront the person who killed his father when he
> was young who is a great master whom many other warriors want to challenge,
> which of course the Samurai must fight his way through.
> Beware the grue!
> Dark.
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