I have 2 drives, a mybook for backup and a smaller elements half its size for work. In addition I have several sticks ranging from 128mb one which stores all my secure data to a 16 gb drive.
A lot of these are used when I need to share data or upgrade systems.
And while most of these are inexpensive I have also a collection of animal themed drives, and I tend to choose what I want and pay a premium for these. Though to be honest since I have at least32gb all up in storage drives I havn't really needed to collect that many for a while.

At 07:39 p.m. 2/09/2014, you wrote:
Interesting Tom.
As I said, I now use the Sea gate drive as my main backup, the passport drive was for a friend of mine who travels round the world and has a rather weerd habbit of digitizing films on dvd rather than just taking the disks so wanted a large harddrive.

I only tend to use memory sticks for quick and instant transfers of stuff sinse I have far more things to backup with audio, music etc than would fit on one so am better using the external drive for that.

Beware the Grue!


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