Hi Shaun,

Each to their own of course, but I think the thing you are overlooking
is choice. By running Linux as a host and Windows as a guest OS
through a virtual machine you get the advantage of both operating
systems on the same machine. Can in fact run both  at the same time
given enough processor power and memory. That has tremendous
advantages over just running a single OS like Windows on its own.

First, is the issue of security. It is a well known fact that Linux is
much more secure than Windows on many levels. Less issues with
viruses, spyware, worms, etc. Better multi-user design, better
handling of user permissions, login and authentication, etc. Bottom
line, it makes a great stable platform to run one or more virtual
machines from because it is less likely than Windows to be infected or
cracked by outside security breaches.

Second, is cost of everyday applications. A decent Linux distribution
such as Ubuntu comes with all the basic applications one would want or
need such as Firefox for web browsing, Thunderbird for e-mail, Gedit
for notetaking, Libre Office for office documents, Totem for music and
movies, etc. In short, a person can have a bunch of everyday software
for free, and get updates as soon as they become available. This
allows the user to use their Windows virtual machine for commercial
software not available for Linux such as audio games, expensive
sound/video editors, or anything else they need to use which is not
available for Linux. Its the best of both worlds as far as I

In my opinion the "oh hum everybody uses Windows" attitude only
restricts the end user to one and one option. They either have to pay
expensive prices to upgrade their Windows software from time to time,
or they stick with their old tech until it falls apart. Neither is
particularly wise considering there are other options available.
Ignoring those other options because they are less popular than the
most popular OS going only serves to limit your freedom of choice.


On 10/25/14, shaun everiss <sm.ever...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd switch but I have so many windows apps I'd have to run a vm of xp
> or something and if thats the case I may as well continue with
> windows pluss being an admin everyone uses windows.

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