Hi Damien,
Keep in mind as you play some of those games learning the layout of the 
game level is all part of the fun and challenge of the game. It is not 
possible to learn the entire layout in a day, but over time it will 
come. What seams daunting now will become a distant memory in a couple 
of months.
Take Shades of Doom as an example. When I first baught that game I could 
get no where. I died, got lost, and became completely frustrated with 
the game.
Well, then I decided to use the visited key v as well as the markers 
built in to that game. After a while I figured out the first level is 
basically nothing more than several east west passages with doors on the 
wall, and a few North South passages connecting the East West ones 
together. Towards the end of the level it gets a tad funky, but the 
first half is very very simple.
What probably confuses you is going in to a room, fighting a monster, 
and coming back out of the room not remembering what direction you came 
or from what direction you entered the room, etc. That info is helpful 
in regaining your bearings.
However, as far as complexity goes some of the blind mazes are not 
nearly as complex as what has been available for the sighted gamers. 
Take some of the FPS titles such as Jedi Knight II Mysteries of the 
Sith. In that game I could remember as I was playing getting stuck on 
some of the 3D mazes. They were pretty complex. It might turn out being 
a grate on the floor or wall that needed cut open, a hidden access 
pannal only visible while using force sight, or some even more complex 
setting required to unlock a door. A real tough example I recall in MOS 
was the room with the water tank.
Mara Jade had to get a rench take a pannal off the wall flip three 
switches in a very specific order, hit a button, jump in the tank with a 
very hungry dianoga, and swim to the bottom of the tank and open a 
hidden air lock which wouldn't open unless the switches and button were 
activated and pressed in the correct order. Even worse it was timed 
which left little time to use your force abilities to battle the 
dianoga. You just would have to force swim down as fast as possible and 
hope you made it through that airlock before he ate you.
Bottomline just keep trying and sooner or later you will figure it out. 
Games sometimes have hidden challenges when discovering how to unlock 
certain passages and figure out the maze the dev has set in place for you.

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