Hi all,
Sorry, I am very late to this party, but you really must understand 
there is no way we can force developers much less game companies like 
activision, Nintendo, Sega, Microsoft Game Studios, to do anything. 
Especially, since we are  a minority group with very little cash 
potential. In fact encouraging them with a good persuasively drafted 
position is the only way to even get started.
You can get started by becoming part of and supporting groups like IGDA 
which is already attempting to do just that. Put together articles, code 
examples, etc to bring to the big name developers and their companies to 
promote more accessible game design implementations.
Unfortunately, we also have to increase our ranks and have a higher 
number of statistics to show these companies. While Audyssey is a very 
active community we have on this list at most 200 to 300 members at a 
time. Now, assuming every single one of us bought a mainstream game made 
accessible for $45.00 that only comes to $13500 total for 300 units 
sold. That little amount of cash won't interest a company. The average 
dev for those companies triples that amount in his or her salary.
Ok, from speaking to my fellow ag developers we estimate the total 
market strength right now at 2000 products sold by any one accessible 
company. Using our example of $45 times 2000 units sold $comes to 
$90000. Looking better, but certainly not enough to interest a 
mainstream company which is grossing millions on Doom III, Jedi Knight 
X, Castlevania X, etc...
I grant you if Activision or another big company like Microsoft put out 
an accessible game they could probably Brose more than $90000 since they 
have channels to market to a wider audience. However, once you start 
ticking off the numbers like who does not have computers, who is old and 
elderly who is likely to be disinterested, and so on the numbers of 
potential customers shrinks rather rapidly.
A statistical fact here is the majority of those blind in the US is 
those who have lost their sight later in life do to many common issues 
involved with old age. Having younger people with vision impairments is 
a significantly smaller group than the elderly with vision impairments.

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