Hi Karl,

I have found one or two times that when I entered a dark room,
especially at a run, two torches were used.
End quote

Hmmm... Never seen this myself, but I think from time to time such 
gliches like this are bound to pop up once and a while.
Problem is it is not something that is consistent, and such bugs like 
that are a serious pain to fix.

Also, the nonagression by skulls and spiders when you have a sword
isn't fixed. I think this should be fixed so that if you stand still
and an enemy comes near you, within sword rang, it will automatically
be attacked.
End quote

I know. I haven't gotten to working on this issue yet. There were other 
bugs I felt needed my attention first such as the one where save and 
restore options wasn't working.
When installing a new version it is always a good idea to look at the 
Changes.txt file to get a good idea of exactly the issues or problems 
addressed in the release. If you don't see something in there it is 
likely I did not either find time to address that particular bug yet, 
don't have a solution for it, or I have ranked it in the to do list for 
the next patch/upgrade.
Anyway, as far as Beta 3 goes I felt some bug fixes were needed asap,and 
released the update earlier than usual. Though, your non-agressive 
monster bug is on my list of things to do for Beta 4.

Also, I feel that, if you have a sword and land on a skull
or spider, you should kill it, rather than it killing you. This would
be analogous to stabbing down with the sword as you land.
End quote

Hmmm... Cool idea. Not sure how the purests will go for it, but I think 
you are right. If you are armed you should be able to kill a monster if 
you land on them.
I am also thinking about restoring the ability to kill snakes, because 
it doesn't make sense you can kill sskulls and spiders, but not snakes.

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