Hi Ron,
As a game developer I am always interested in what styles and genres of 
play are most in demand by the gamers at large. I hardly if ever see any 
good articles on the matter.
I have however seen comments about gamers wanting to play sighted 
quality games, but that level of game play is extremely dificult to 
reach on more than one level. The programming is difficult, and as I am 
discovering with my Tomb Raider experimental project true 3D 
environments are almost impossible to relate to in an audio only format. 
How exactly do you signal to the new player look up because the exit out 
of the room is in the celing, and you will have to find a way up there, 
pull yourself through, and continue on with your adventure. It is tough 
to design and describe such an environment.
Then, there is text adventures. Allot of folks like them, I wouldn't 
mind writing some, but I am not clear how many folks would pay money for 
such adventures. I can create them easy enough, make them multiplatform, 
etc but unless there is financial interest in text adventures there 
isn't much sense in producing them.

Ron Schamerhorn wrote:
>  Hey Tom
>   Maybe this might encourage a few folks to step up to the plate and write 
> up their thoughts and feelings on a side scroler styled game.  It would be 
> some welcome input for certain.  I always like seeing what people think of 
> games currently available and such stuff.
> Ron

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