Hi Folks,
I just found out about the Hogwarts castle from  the Order of the Phoenix 
game from this video just posted.
I do not plan to alter the Sarah game based on this information since the 
changes mostly move  rooms from one floor to another.
Here is the list for your information:

What's on the Floors in the Order of the Phoenix Game
Based on architecture drawings of the Hogwart's castle
Ground floor,
great hall
Grand staircase
Centaur Divination Classroom,
Basement level,
The Kitchen
Hufflepuff  common room
Dungeon level,
Potions classroom
Potion professor's office
Slytherin common room
First floor,
Transfiguration professor's office
Transfiguration  classroom
History of Magic classroom [
Muggle studies classroom
Second floor,
Moaning Myrtle's room
Restricted Section of the library
Third floor,
Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office
Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom
secret passage to sweet shop
trophy room
armor gallery
Charms classroom,
Forth floor,
Hospital Wing
Nurse office
Fifth floor,
Prefect's Bathroom,
Sixth floor
Rewards room
Seventh floor,
Charms professor's office
Gryffindor common room,
Ravenclaw common room,
Room of Requirement
Entrance to the Headmaster's Office
Entrance to the Divination classroom
Entrance to the Owlery
Entrance to the Astronomy Tower

Divination classroom,
the Owlery,
The Headmaster's Office,

Other locations around Hogwarts,
boat house
Quidditch  Pitch
hagrid's hut

Game also includes,
Little Whinging
Grimmauld Place
Ministry of Magic

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