Agreed. People need to realize that developers, whether they be game or
other types of developers, are human too. They have families, possibly other
jobs, and most of all, feelings. If people have problems with a product,
they should make an attempt to be polite when approaching the
developer/representative. After all, nobody's perfect, to error is human,
and having limitations is perfectly normal for everyone. If you don't like
how something works, give constructive feedback, suggest alternatives. Don't
just say "Holy cow this sucks," or "this isn't fair." Give reasons, valid
ones. Show some appreciation for how much time they've put into their
products. Let them know that they have your support, even if it's just a
simple "thank you." Oh, and for the love of chocolate, don't tell them what
to or not to do. Like Thomas said, he isn't a robot. Actually, I think some
people are treated worse than robots. Ever heard of the Daleks from Doctor
read that comment to Thomas about how completing Raceway is his "job," and
that he shouldn't experiment with his code, that's what it reminded me of --
Daleks ordering others around.

Anyway, I think that's all. I also hope this whole debate was sparked by an
error in translation, as Cara put it. Error or not, I think it needed to be
said anyway.

From: "Cara Quinn" <

From: "Cara Quinn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 1:12 AM
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Raceway for Mac or Linux?

>   thomas, though I obviously had nothing at all to do with the
> earlier post you're responding to, I'd like to extend my apologies to
> you for it's tone.  I know at least a little bit about the kind of
> person you are and you don't deserve this sort of treatment in any
> way, shape, or form.  Furthermore, for myself, these are exactly the
> sort of attitudes that dissuade me from doing more developing and
> putting more time into it...
> I truly hope this is just a case of errors in translation?...
>   There are so many companies out there that don't give a damn about
> the consumer at all, but somehow devs that are really putting the time
> and effort into this to make something nice for people are getting
> crap for it in plain english!  :)
>   I'm sorry, the fact that someone three or so years ago spent what
> amounts to a drop in the bucket, for a game they didn't get doesn't
> have the right to stamp their lil foot and think they somehow have the
> right to tell another human being who is doing them a favor in all
> honesty, what they should or shouldn't be doing.
>   It's just a bloody game, and nobody's saying what happened was
> right or just or anything else like that, but it sure doesn't give one
> the right to be an absolute brat and treat someone with such
> disrespect over something as ridiculous as a blasted game simply
> because they didn't get their little way...
> Sorry, but forgive me for not being sympathetic to that cause...
> To those of you out there who feel this way, please grow up and learn
> how to be human beings?  -At least until you get your next fix of
> gameplay?...
>   Anyway, once again, Thomas, all the best to you and yours and I'm
> ashamed of other blind people out there who act this way.  It disgusts
> me...
> Have a great day and talk with ya soon!...
> Smiles,
> Cara  :)

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