Hi Karl,
That sounds like some pretty sound advice there. I think as you 
suggested I shouldn't drop the idea of cross platform games, but delay 
their introduction until I finish Raceway. Too many gamers have already 
come to want Raceway the way it was planned, and taking things out to 
make it work on all operating systems isn't all that popular from what I 
have read on this list.
However, one reason I asked this question at all is I have already 
officially decided to drop C-Sharp and DirectX for future developments. 
After Raceway 1.0 comes out I wouldn't expect allot of upgrades and 
really cool features to come out for it, because I am sick of DirectX, 
.Net, and the constant changes Microsoft is making in those 
technologies. I can't even use Direct Play now, because it has been 
gutted and pulled completely from DirectX forcing me to totally research 
some other technology for online racing. Which is why I dropped online 
racing in the first place.
To be to the point I am one frustrated developer all because Microsoft 
introduces something and then yanks it out and replaces it with 
something else. Microsoft introduced DirectX Input and Sound clear back 
with Windows 95, and now that Vista is out Microsoft announces that both 
are scheduled to be scrapped in 2008 or so in order to use XInput and 
XAudio so XBox games and Vista games can be quickly ported from one 
gaming platform to the other. i don't suppose Microsoft ever considered 
that they should leave both technologies in place. Especially, since I 
don't give a darn about writing XBox 360 games. Grrrr.
Before anyone states the obvious, why don't I use the old time tested 
libraries instead of working with the bleeding edge, the answer is that 
is who I am. I have always been on the bleeding edge of technology. When 
a new version of Linux comes out in beta I download it, install it, and 
test it long before it becomes officialy released. When Vista was 
released I owned a copy with in 2 weeks of it's release in stores. When 
Visual Studio .Net was introduced I was among the first blind developers 
to begin learning and working with C-/Sharp and Visual Basic .Net before 
the rest of the blind programming market. As Michael Feir excelantly 
pointed out on blind cool tech sometimes you have to look outside the 
box to find new and wonderful things. I not only look outside the 
triditional blind box, but practically live out there on the edge 
testing, researching, and bringing back what I find out there on the 
software fronteer.
Some people on this list have suggested there isn't a Mac or Linux 
market for games. That kind of thinking is still in the box we blind 
people have made for ourselves. Most blind computer users are not use to 
trial by fire, and determined to go out and experiment with Solaris, 
Linux, and Mac yet until us pioneer types go out and do it for them, 
bring it back, and tell them this is how it all works.

Karl wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd say don't bother with porting Raceway. There are a lot of windows 
> specific features already requested, and this game has a solid start. 
> Instead, focus on cross platform development for your future games, and take 
> the time you really need to do it well and do it right.
> We've all been waiting long enough for Raceway as it is.
> Karl

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