Hi Ari,

I don't know if you consider my games very advanced or what, but I never took 
any higher math than algebra in high school.  Actually I never even graduated 
high school.  But I sure do have fun programming games in Visual Basic.  Now 
some of my games like Mach 1, Pong, Homer on a Harley etc might benefit from 
real math formulas rather than just stuff that I made up to make it all work, 
but still they do work. <grin>  Game programming is I think allot different 
than business programming and I am not sure how much of the programming from 
business type stuff helps with game programming, but the desire to make games 
sure does help I think. <grin>



Check my web site for my free blind accessible pc dos and windows games.

(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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