Wow! That is simply draconian anti-piracy measures. Besides being very 
expensive some users like myself would simply not pay for games that 
used that  method of anti-piracy. As John mentioned the other day he 
doesn't like the Jaws dongle for the fact it can be easily lost. In my 
own case I am currently sitting in a living room with three tottlers 
ages 2 to 4 years old. Anyone of them could pick up said thumb drive 
with said game on it and give it an unexpected swim in the toilet or 
place it somewhere else were it will never be found again. Believe me I 
have discovered many things that have suddenly grown a couple of tottler 
legs and mysteriously walked off somewhere. Grin.
Anyway, the point is what happens if that thumb drive with the game on 
it gets lost, damaged, or needs replacing for some reason or another. 
The cost of the hardware and shipping alone requires more than the game 
might be worth to replace it. Especially, if it needs to be shipped 

K. Matthew wrote:
> How about selling the games on a locked thumb drive and only can be updated
> by the author and so forth.  That way nobody has a way to get to the program
> files, and also have a little space on the drive were they can add sounds
> and so forth onto the drive that the program it self checks for.
> Might take longer for a person to get there game, but heck it would solve
> all the hacking issues.
> Peace.

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