
This discussion about the top 25 best games for the blind has me intrigued.
As a blind gamer, I'm interested in the best games for the blind, regardless
of who developed them or what their motivation was.

What this means for me is that I pay for my Blind Adrenaline membership, and
I have the RS Games client on my PC.  I also played Entombed avidly when it
came out, and wish there were more games like that one being developed. On
the other hand, I have numerous games on my iPhone that just happen to be
accessible, either because the developer achieved it accidentally, or
because they agreed to help when the blind community reached out to them.
Examples include 7 Little Words, Moxie, Word Warp, King of Dragon Pass,
Frotz and so forth.

Whenever someone makes a list, top 25 games of the year, for instance, they
get to define their criteria for that list. I may or may not agree with
their approach, but I always like to see the results, since I might learn
about a new game that I'd never considered.

Web-based gaming is particularly intriguing to me. I would be interested in
the opinions of those who play such games as to which ones they find most
enjoyable. I would particularly like to find kingdom building games, or
fantasy games where I get to start a character from scratch and take them on
quests and adventures, acquiring magic and items and other things as I go.
I'd prefer games where the site is mostly or completely accessible, and
where I don't have to do a lot of JAWS gymnastics to play, although if the
game is particularly good, I'd be willing to sacrifice these criteria.

I look forward to your responses.



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