Give it another try using the original name you wanted.  While preparing for 
the next update, the server was being worked on and it was refusing to create 
new accounts for a while there.  I'm guessing that your timing was just unlucky.

> Hi everyone,
> I'm a bit of a new be to this group but I've heard you all
> talking about
> swamp so I thought I'd give it a go as it sounds really
> good.  However once
> I open the game it asks me to enter a name and password
> which I do but it
> either tells me that the name is being used by someone else
> (even if I use
> something really random like lemm222 ) or it does nothing
> just goes totally
> silent and all I can do is press tab to scroll through
> speech engines .
> Anyone come across this and got any suggestions?
> Paul Lemm

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