Will also just bring up that, aside from formatting, commenting has always been a good thing, for sighted guys, VI developers, for sharing code, for own reviewing later on, etc. etc.

What I standardly do now, at the very least is add comments to the end of code blocks, like if statements, loops, class definitions, function definitions, etc. etc., so that at the very least, when reviewing code later on, I know what I'm looking at, at the end of code blocks..<smile>

Oh yes, and have always, even in sighted days used descriptive names for variables, data structure, etc. - you don't want to be reviewing T-SQL, and wonder what type of object/item Customers is, when it could be something like tblCustomers, qryCustomers, qryDelCustomer, qryInsertCustomers, etc. etc., and for variable names in code itself, things like dDate1, sString1, fFloat1, lList1, dcDictionary1, etc. are the types of naming conventions I make use of for variable names.

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Ward" <thomasward1...@gmail.com>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Python and Interactive Fiction

Hi Jim,

Well, the hole issue of programming standards and formatting in
particular has to deal with a business model approach to programming.
That is if you develop software for a company you and your coworkers
can all develop software in the same way, use the same standards, and
it makes it easier for everyone on the team to read code they
themselves did not write. Plus as you said if you are fired, quit, or
need to be replaced by someone else you can because the person
replacing you will be able to read and understand the code based on
the standards that were set by the lead developers.

Formatting is primarily there for sighted computer programmers. They
can glance at the screen and see in an instance what scope a block of
code is in because global scope is not indented where inner scope is
indented according to the level of scope. For us, we can't see it, so
unless we are following along with a braille display or have something
like NVDA announce the number of indentions there is little use for us
to format the code for our own personal use. Unless of course a blind
developer is aiming for pro standards.

Which brings us to your point. You said you can go back and read code
you wrote decades ago. Of course, because you wrote it and it follows
your own programming style and standards. That's fine if you are the
only person to ever read it, but if another VB dev comes along and
tries to update your game he or she might wonder what does this
variable ab mean, and what data type is it? If it isn't properly
formatted a sighted programmer won't even know what scope it belongs
to without reading your entire program.

Obviously, that's ok for private/personal software, but doesn't work
in a business environment where everything has to be explained. If you
have to be reassigned or replaced then the next programmer to step in
and upgrade your code is going to be miserable if you used some
shorthand that is known to you and nobody else. :D


On 2/16/12, Jim Kitchen <j...@kitchensinc.net> wrote:
Hi Trouble,

Yeah, I was told a long time ago that the only reason they want business
standard code is so that you can be replaced. Personally I can go back to code I wrote decades ago and still know exactly what I was doing. But I do know that my code is not for others. I mean the first computer that I had you could only use two letter variable names. I still do that all the time. Now if I wanted others to be able to understand and change my code I should
use descriptive variable names and line labels.  And VB6 doesn't make you
use any indenting format or anything like that. It does though in the IDE speak your line and column if you turn on say all in Jaws. I don't though
as it is not needed.



I like Visual Basic 6.0 because I can not C.

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