Ha Phil, 'tis true, 'tis true.
I've actually had to force myself to quit playing swamp so I could get work done on my own games. I used to be a huge FPS fan, when I first got Doom way back when, I sat down to play it and didn't stop playing until it was done, albeit on an easy difficulty level. Since losing my sight, no other game has come closer than swamp to that experience for me, and to say it can be addictive is an understatement. Zombie thought for the day: do zombies poop? If not, where do all the flesh and brains go?

On 4/10/2012 6:36 AM, Phil Vlasak wrote:
Swamp: The killer of games
by Phil Vlasak.
Aprone sat in his castle thinking about how to kill off all the other
game companies.
He knew that soon Phillip would be coming out with his Ponderous Farts
game that would be a big seller. Even old David was working on his
multi-person Shades of Gloom game.
Then there was Phil and his Sarah Good and the Castle designed to keep
Rowling from suing him game that was reported to be coming out with an
What he needed to do was to create the perfect time waster, a game no
one could resist, including other game developers.
He had a brilliant idea. He would start simple and he could lull them
into submission with great sound effects and hundreds of updates so they
would be so busy playing his game to come up with anything on their own.

Aprone spent all his time on the Swamp game killer project. Working on a
laptop he could take it anywhere and fiddle with the code hundreds of
times a day. Checking a syntax error between bites of a sandwich,
writing an if then loop while standing over the toilet.
Eventually he posted the first beta and instantly got several other game
developers hooked.
Little did the public know that he had convinced all the other game
developers to participate in Swamp as zombies.
Aprone sent them secret keys to become the enemy in the game. While the
general gaming public was learning how to play the game becoming
fighters and practicing getting out of the safe house, the other game
developers were having fun walking around grunting and having a good old
Che and Ken were truly hooked, each spawning themselves so that they
played dozens of zombies.
Even Jeremy took part in the game, soon becoming the top tyrant zombie.
His plan was totally successful. All the other game companies closed up
and stopped working on new games. The developers played Swamp until
their fingers bled.
Aprone smiled from his castle as he was now planning to do even more and
take over the Audio game forum. His Swamp fan fiction contest would
bring them down in no time.

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