I actually listened to a mission drew kay and a few others did on the saturday tech talk show. Its good when a lot of pros mission, they did use the teamtalk server and obviously knew what they were doing. I have heard another mission where a guy just defended with a valcon and a sniper, but when he got swamped died quite quickly as he stayed to long on one weapon. I only stay on one weapon if I need to pick targets though if I get swarmed its more like 1 shot kills of targets rather than multishot kills.
At 06:27 p.m. 16/04/2012 -0600, you wrote:

My definition of a truck sitter is one who usually stays inside the trailer,
but not always. They do nothing to help.

In a few cases, I have gone on low level missions to help out. I let those
who need the rep grab the crates, and I just make sure the zombies don't get
out of hand. Helping to clear parts or repacking. Or any other spot they
seem to be coming in on.

I even know one guy who went outside in the parking lot to make some noise
to keep them out of the building as best as possible. They collected no
crates, but helped in a different way.

Also know of a few people who I had thought of them as truck sitters. But
now they are doing well and helping as much as they can on missions. it was
just that they were probably just trying to figure out how the mission goes,
what to do, and the layout of the warehouse.

If you think you have a truck sitter, get them killed. Lure a few zombies
back to the trailer and no more truck sitter.

Fair warning to all truck sitters. If you ever go on a mission with Kai and
a few others, they will get you killed. So don't do it.
----- Original Message -----
From: "john" <jpcarnemo...@comcast.net>
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 6:03 PM

Aprone and all,

I've been on several missions recently in which there is a
number of people who either just stay at the truck or only shoot
zombies and don't turn in crates. I'd like some confirmation on
what the exact definition is of a truck sitter. Also, I'd really
like to see a way to stop people from coming on the mission, or
to report truck sitters while your still in game.
On a similar note, one way to deal with the player name
graphics might be to add the name to the player ping command, so
that when you activate the feature, the name is spoken along with
the little blip that represents players.

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