Hi Tom.

Because I found this an interesting idea, yesterday I went and looked up some utube videos showing the E.T. game, and wow, not good! too many holes, too nasty glitches.

According to the fount of eternal wisdom aka wikipedia, Steven speelberg didn't like the concept for the game either, and suggested it be more like packman, but the designer insisted on going with his concept anyway, ---- obviously speelberg was right!

One thing I did learn however was that nintendo actually acquired the rights to the E.t character, and produced a couple of games for the gameboy advanced based on E.t.

They didn't follow the plot of the film either, but instead had E.t doing different activities, so in one game called E.t's galactic garden, E.t was flying from planet to planet making flowers grow by giving them water, while stopping a large snale from eating them by leading the snale away in another direction, and also using the snale's, ---- mmmm, excretions to aide plants in growing.

In another E.t was wandering around various locations collecting items and avoiding enemies, though that one was a little silly sinse the only way E.t could avoid enemies was with a dash move.

Myself, I think rather than trying to emulate any scenes from the film specifically, such as the famous flying bike, I would probably try to write a convincing fan story about the E.t character, set perhaps after the filme around which a game could be made. This was indeed the premise of the E.t ride at epcot studios which I've been on myself, where E.t comes back to earth to visit elliott, but learns that a desease has broken out on his home planet and he needs to get home to heal it, meaning that he converts bikes into space vehicles, first flying across the woods, then out into space, then finally back to his own planet (actually E.t's planet looked cool).

This is probably something like what I'd considder a game doing, having some kind of sequal story to the film that makes a convincing game.

Say for instance that an asteroid containing several eggs from E.t's species crashes on earth and is taken by the fbi. E.t returns to earth and asks his friend elliott to help, however he did bring with him some useful technology, namely a neural scrambler that can make anyone in it's area fall asleep and have pleasant dreams.

The only problem is that it can only be used a couple of times.

So the game would be collection based, wandering around various locations looking for peaces of the asteroid and E.t's friends created as eggs. Gameplay would be slightly similar to sarah, in that you couldn't actually kill opponents, but had a weapon that would stun them.

This is just an idea off the top of my head, and I could probably think of a better one, but really I agree, the film doesn't lend itself to a game license, thus I'd suggest an E.t game be made as essentially a peace of E.t fan fiction, rather than strictly speaking something based entirely on the film.

Beware the g#rue!


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