Hi Dark,

Sure. I definitely understand where you are coming from. Simply
stated, there are times where some sort of automatic speech output is
more necessary than others.

That said, one of the reasons I'm looking at a text interface is that
I'm interested in recreating some of the old Dos classics like Oregon
Trail and Elite as well as simple card, board, and puzzle games. For
me, at least, I'd be interested in something that resembles the
originals but are able to run on modern Windows operating systems, are
cross-platform, has sound effects and so on. While I could recreate
them with Sapi for output etc, which would work just as well, it would
not be the same for me. Nostalgia being what it is. :D

Still, I will admit there are times when a GUI application with menus,
speech output, etc is preferable over a text based interface.
Piledriver is a prime example of this.

In Piledriver there maybe 280 wrestlers to choose from and it takes
several pages of text to display all the wrestlers in your federation.
Then, you have to locate and remember that wrestler's personal  ID and
enter it in the edit field to select him for the match. In a case like
that it would be much simpler to have a menu pop up to select the
challenger or the opponent and have a menu of 280 wrestlers to scroll
through and select with the enter key. That hands down would be more
practical than the old Dos interface.

Plus as I've discovered with Jim's baseball and football Scansoft Tom
makes a great play by play announcer for sports games. When playing
wrestling it speeds up the action if the Sapi voice can act as a play
by play commentator. While there is nothing wrong with routing the
review cursor to the screen and reading the text I often thought
Piledriver would be more fun if it would automatically announce a move
like this.

"Hulk Hogan scoops up Randy Savage and slams him to the mat. Randy
Savage stands up. He looks a bit dazed as he gets back to his feet."

In a case like that we want the action to be fluid and the play by
play commentary to be more like WWE Raw or Smackdown. Plus with Sapi
support we could technically initialize two Sapi voices and have them
have opposing views about the play by play action like this.

Voice 1: "The Hulkster is on fire now!"
Voice 2: "Don't count Savage out yet. Many superstars have under
estimated his abilities."

In short, I do see your point where adding Sapi support in certain
cases could definitely enhance the game. Not just when we have a lot
of information to review such as a strategy situation with pieces on
the board but for play by play action and other things like that.


On 10/18/12, dark <d...@xgam.org> wrote:
> Hi Tom.
> That is perfectly true,  in a game like jim kitchin's football it probably
> doesn't matter, indeed I've played many menue based games like that (eamon
> deluxe not the least).
> As I said however, you might want to considder the space option for checking
> through a number of cards in a hand or other information, or for occasions
> when you have some sort of timing exercize as in jim's baseball game.
> so while I'm not aversed to having a purely text output game at all, I do
> think it could be a little limiting in some circumstances.
> beware the grue!
> Dark.
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