The difference is, a lot of people don't want to have to try so hard to understand 50% of a game's story. I'll be honest... I'm one of them. I want to be able to leap right into a game and not have to worry about setting up clipboard monitoring, translation software, etc etc. Yes, yu may understand 505 of the story... but that's how much you think you can understand. For all you know the words could be completely different, but because of different Kanji used it's hard to tell. To be frank... if I didn't have the knowledge of Japanese I do, I would probably be in the same boat as Tom and Dark on this matter. Heck I find it irritating to have to pause the game just to look up a couple words. I can't imagine stopping at every line of dialog to translate it and try and decode the mess that I usually get. At Dark... while Japanese itself isn't that hard to translate, that isn't the problem... the problem is the grammar and syntax difference. At its most basic form, the basic word order for Japanese is subject, object and verb whereas in English it's subject verb object. That can mess up translator sometimes, and also because words in Japanese have different meaning depending on the sentence and context. Toriaezu, for example can mean at first, right away and a couple of others. How do you translate that? A translator can't figure that out.. that's where you need someone with a working knowledge of the language to figure out what context that is. That's why the BK 2 translation project has been halted for so long.. because noone has time to pick through the translated sentences to pick out what little meaning can be found in them. I admire their patience in being able to handle that much pasting, but I couldn't do it. Sure I could slog through it... but then the game just straight becomes more about the action, not the story and action together, and especially in an rpg, that's important. At least, to me. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Shadow Dragon" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Looking For Something New to Play

If I had to make an estimate, I'd say I understand at least 50% of the story. The story is definitely not utterly unreadable, not if you pay close attention and pick what you can out of the translated sentences. They are fairly jumbled, but most of the time I can figure out at least the jist of what was being said. It's especially easy now that there's the InstantTranslate Addon for NVDA.

As for the games speaking Japanese, first of all, that sounded more like chinese, haha. And secondly, that only happens with the self-voicing games, which don't work with translators anyway. The only way the games that use clipboard output speak japanese is if you set them up with a clipboard monitor and a japanese Sapi voice.

These games are very, extremely playable, the storyline can be read with some patience and careful listening, the game mechanics of every game I've played so far are easy to understand and I personally think anyone who doesn't at least give the games a try is missing out on some serious awesomeness since there is nothing even remotely equivalent in english, and won't be for a while if the games that are in development now are any indication.

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