On Tue, 6 Jun 2023, 01:07 Dave Blanchard, <d...@killthe.net> wrote:

> On Tue, 6 Jun 2023 01:59:42 +0200
> Gabriel Ravier <gabrav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > [nothing of value]
> If this guy's threads are such a terrible waste of your time, how about
> employing your email client's filters to ignore his posts (and mine too)
> and fuck off?
> Now YOU'RE wasting everyone's time, as your type is so skilled at doing,
> refocusing an important discussion to generic whining about "muh feelings",
> instead of the real issue at hand here: GCC's optimizer is TERRIBLE!

Why are you still here then?

Other compilers are available.

> I for one appreciate this guy's posts, as this issue might have never been
> called to my attention otherwise; certainly not if this were relegated to
> the dusty corner of some bug list somewhere. I've now reverted to a much
> older version of GCC which will hopefully waste much fewer of my old
> computer's CPU cycles, while also (provably) not constantly breaking my
> system with all the added warnings and errors every release.

Great, so there's no reason for you to follow the development of current

Toddle off somewhere else.

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