On Tue, 2023-06-06 at 16:36 +0800, Julian Waters via Gcc wrote:
> Sorry for my outburst, to the rest of this list. I can no longer stay
> silent and watch these little shits bully people who are too kind to
> fire back with the same kind of venom in their words.

Many of us have had Dave in our killfiles for a long time already.  I
recommend you (and everyone else) do the same.  You won't miss out on
any information of any use to anyone: he apparently just enjoys making
other people angry.

I'm quite serious: it's so not worth the mental energy to even read his
messages, much less to reply to him.  Arguing with "people who are
wrong on the internet" can be cathartic but this is not arguing, it's
just stabbing yourself in the eye with a pencil.  Don't play.

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