On 06/06/2023 02:09, Dave Blanchard wrote:

If this guy's threads are such a terrible waste of your time, how
about employing your email client's filters to ignore his posts (and
mine too) and fuck off?

You apparently appreciate Stefan's posts, but burst a blood vessel when reading anyone else's. And Stefan has shown a total disregard for what anyone else writes.

Rather than everyone else having to killfile the pair of you, why don't you do everyone a favour and have your little rants with each other directly, and not on this list?

If either of you are remotely interested in improving gcc's optimisation, there are two things you must do:

1. Stop wasting the developers' time and driving them up the wall, so that they have more time to work on improving the tools.

2. Make the suggestions and requests for improvements through the proper channels - polite, factual and detailed bug reports.

This is not rocket science - it's basic human decency, and should not be difficult to understand.


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