On 2024-05-01 22:26, Mark Wielaard wrote:
> For now I am cleaning up Sergio's gerrit setup and upgrading it to the
> latest version, so people can at least try it out. Although I must
> admit that I seem to be the only Sourcewware PLC member that believes
> this is very useful use of our resources. Even the biggest proponents
> of gerrit seem to believe no project will actually adopt it. And on
> irc there were some people really critical of the effort. It seems you
> either love or really hate gerrit...

When GDB upstream tried to use gerrit, I found it basically impossible to
follow development, given the volume...  The great thing with email is the
threading of discussions.  A discussion can fork into its own subthread, and any
sane email client will display the discussion tree.  Email archives also let
you follow the discussion subthreads.  That is great for archaeology too.
With Gerrit that was basically lost, everything is super flat.  And then 
development via the gerrit instance website alone is just basically impossible 
I mean, gerrit is great to track your own patches, and for the actual review
and diffing between versions.  But for a maintainer who wants to stay on top of 
project, then it's severely lacking, IME and IMO.

(Note: I've been using Gerrit for a few years at AMD internally.)

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