On Sat, 4 May 2024, Ben Boeckel via Gcc wrote:

>   - every push is stored in a ghostflow-director-side unique ref
>     (`refs/mr/ID/heads/N` where `N` is an incrementing integer) to avoid
>     forge-side garbage collection (especially problematic on Github;
>     I've not noticed GitLab collecting so eagerly)

That's the sort of thing I was talking about for ensuring all the versions 
of every pull request remain available - it doesn't need anything more 
than providing such refs (that someone can get with git clone --mirror if 
they wish).  (And there has been and is work on ensure git scales well to 
repositories with millions of refs, such as you get with PR-based systems 
storing all PRs or all versions of PRs as refs.)

Joseph S. Myers

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