OK, now that stage3 is over I'm thinking of updating the
MaverickCrunch FPU fixes (currently for 4.3) and merging them but
would appreciate some guidance.

There are 26 patches in all and I can't expect anyone to understand
them because they require a good understanding of the FPU and its
hardware bugs (and there are a lot of them!) :) What's the best path?
Create a branch, work there and then merge when done?

I have done the copyright assignment stuff but don't have an account
on gcc.gnu.org. They all affect files under config/arm/ apart from one
testsuite fix and the docs.

The missing part is a huge testsuite for it. I confess I find that
daunting; it is potentially huge in that it replaces a non-working
code generator with a working one, and for the non-working one there
were *no* fpu-specific tests.
Do I really need to write an entire validation suite?


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