
On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 06:33:08PM -0400, Frank Ch. Eigler wrote:
> > [...]  We need to think about setting up easier ways for people to
> > submit patches, rather than trying to fix all of the MUAs and MTAs
> > in the world.
> Another related point.  We are comingling email as a communication
> medium AND a commit transport medium.  For the former, as in patch
> review / RFC, one may not require a form of the patch that is finally
> committable to master, so the exact From: etc. may not matter.

But OTOH, it is extremely valuable to review the commit message at the
same time as the patch.  Which we now *can*, for contributors who follow
a more "git-like" workflow.

> For the latter, attachments are more bullet-proof.

Disregarding binary attachments, which are unworkable with many tools
(and which are disallowed on gcc-patches for that reason), is this
really true?  Do some MUAs (or MTAs) mess up only the first body part
they encounter?  Or what?


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