
On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 02:52:14PM -0700, Jim Wilson wrote:
> I'm one of the old timers that likes our current work flow, but even I
> think that we are risking our future by staying with antiquated tools.

It's not ancient tools, it is low-requirement generic tools, and
everyone can use that to build a workflow that works for him/herself.

> One of the first things I need to teach new people is now to use email
> "properly".  It is a barrier to entry for new contributors, since our
> requirements aren't how the rest of the world uses email anymore.

Knowing how to use email properly is a very useful life skill.

A large part of the Free Software (and open source) world still uses
email as primary communication medium, too.

Also you might want to read  https://lwn.net/Articles/702177/  for a
different viewpoint.

> LLVM has phabricator.  Some git based projects are using gerrit.
> Github and gitlab are useful services.  We need to think about setting
> up easier ways for people to submit patches, rather than trying to fix
> all of the MUAs and MTAs in the world.

People should not just send patches: they need to explain why it would
be a good idea to include that patch, which requires a lot of talking
*about* the patch.  Email is a difficult medium for that, but it is
still _much_ better than any of the code review website things, imo.

The key point is that email is completely free-form, I think?


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