On 15/04/2021 11:09 am, Adrian via Gcc wrote:
Eric S. Raymond <e...@thyrsus.com>:
Speaking as a "high functioning autist", I'm aware of the difficulties that
some of us have with social interactions - and also that many of us
construct a persona or multiple personae to interact with others, a
phenomenon known as "masking".

I understand why "Asshole" can function as a viable mask for many people,
because there are cultures where it's tolerated, particularly in
remote-working groups like mailing lists, where physical altercations are
unlikely and no-one has to confront the results of their interactions with
others if they don't want to.

Just wanted to say thanks for this Adrian-
regardless of which position people take on this, I think this serves as a collection of useful insights - as does Eric's contribution.

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