> Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 9:18 PM
> From: "Jonathan Wakely" <jwakely....@gmail.com>
> To: "Christopher Dimech" <dim...@gmx.com>
> Cc: "Nathan Sidwell" <nat...@acm.org>, "gcc@gcc.gnu.org" <gcc@gcc.gnu.org>
> Subject: Re: removing toxic emailers
> On Thu, 15 Apr 2021 at 02:18, Christopher Dimech wrote:
> > What are we?  Adults or Children?  You know, as I know, that identities
> > can be made up.  There are many computing specialists who can do that.
> > They can even be made so it looks as though they were sent by you, or
> > from your work and home address.  They could even be made up to look as
> > though your children sent them.
> >
> > I remember a closing comment by Eben Moglen during a full-day program at
> > Columbia Law School in 2016.  And I agree with him.
> >
> > So my point here — if it’s okay just to have a point when people should 
> > already be drinking and dancing — my point is let’s not get confused. This 
> > is not war time. This is diplomacy time. Skill counts. Agility counts. 
> > Discretion counts. Long credibility counts. Ammunition? Ammunition is 
> > worthless because wherever we fire it, we work everywhere and it’s only 
> > going to hit us. - Eben Moglen
> Interesting choice of quote from the guy who made the very first reply
> to the whole thing with "What is this?  The usual rant of freaked out
> madness!!!"
> https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc/2021-March/235092.html

Yes, I am that individual who was quoted saying that on the international
press.  Don't you have something bad to say about Eben Moglen too.  
He is proud of what anarchism achieved, a path that is certainly at odds
with Nathan's arguments.  
> and followed soon after with "More rats for the wood pile. "
> https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc/2021-March/235109.html

Correct.  He brought it upon himself.
> But now you're lecturing us about diplomacy.

Something you and Nathan are incapable of.  

I'd just like to eject the jerks... And yes, I fully realize there are
other ways I can choose to not associate with them here. - Nathan

> Fuck off, Christopher. Just fuck off. You've added nothing of value to
> this entire discussion, just riled people up and stirred up trouble.
> Fuck off.

That is a dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.

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