On 10/04/2018 10:36, Ron wrote:
Autobuilder: Using existing Sources.gz (testing/main)
Autobuilder: Using existing Sources.gz (testing/contrib)
Autobuilder: Using existing Sources.gz (stable/main)
Autobuilder: Using existing Sources.gz (stable/contrib)
Autobuilder: Searching for libpng12-0 in ../Sources-testing-main.gz...
Autobuilder: Searching for libpng12-0 in ../Sources-testing-contrib.gz...
Autobuilder: Searching for libpng12-0 in ../Sources-stable-main.gz...
Autobuilder: Searching for libpng12-0 in ../Sources-stable-contrib.gz...
AutoBuilder: Package not found
Package libpng12-0: ***Failure***
Build for package "libpng12-0" failed
Where is libpng?
If the standard system is not retreiving for whatever reason, you can put a
line like
at the top of the setvars file in the respective autobuilder directory.
ftp address's also work.
I usually search for 'debian source <packagename>' to get staight to a
choice of wheezy jessie or sid debian sources.
You need the link to <package>.orig.tar.gz  or .xz  or .bz2
Note that newer version could be incompatible with existing patch files,
and you could have to drop back to wheezy or jessie archives.

The above libpng directory also has libpng_1.2.49.orig.tar.bz2 if needed.

If working on a package you can put a copy of the archive on a local ftp
server and get it rapidly everytime.
HTH   Ron M.

Is there a reason why the source things brought in by the autoloader no longer yield libpng12? It is an issue here too..


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