Thanks Gred and Andrew!  Those are exactly the kind of comments that help.


I have lots of experience packaging GDAL in fink for the mac, but less
elsewhere.  I found this like which implies that pkgsrc is at GDAL 1.11.3.
Are there better links?


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 8:57 AM, Greg Troxel <> wrote:

> Kurt Schwehr <> writes:
> > Greg,
> >
> > Can you explain the use case as to what keeps you on an older NetBSD but
> > unable to use a branch of a recent GDAL?  e.g. I'm am suggesting that we
> > keep GDAL 2.1 and older to stay with the current requirement of
> supporting
> > C++03.
> That is probably ok.  I should point out that I'm coming at this as a
> packager - I look after a number of geo packages in pkgsrc, which
> supports multiple versions of multiple operating systems, causing it to
> run into more portability issues than packages for a particular Linux
> distribution.  (My actual use of GDAL is so far not extensive and I can
> certainly run it on a newer release.)
> My concern is really that once there is a GDAL release that needs a
> newer compiler, then some other program will require that version of
> GDAL.  As a packager, I more or less have to decide whether to update
> each program, balancing users getting new stuff and
> stability/portability.
> If no other packages start to depend on unreleased GDAL, and the first
> GDAL release requiring C++11 is a ways off, and by then enough other
> things require it that a system not having a C++11 compiler is totally
> non-viable, then this shouldn't cause problems for pkgsrc.
> > As for boost, my experiences are that would be far more effort support it
> > on many platforms than getting a working C++11 compiler.  Boost is full
> of
> > really awesome code, but there be dragons and really careful
> consideration
> > should be made before requiring boost for any code that will have to be
> > linked against by other libraries.
> OK - thanks for explaining.

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