Hi Claire,
Sounds like you should take your gecko to a veterinarian that is experienced with exotics. The dark color is a stress color. It is hard for people on-line to give you advise without knowing how you are caring for your gecko. Even then, we are not veterinarians so can't really diagnose any problems. I would check the temperature in your tank and see if it is warm enough in her enclosure. Are you gut loading her prey items? Are you using a calcium supplement? Are you providing UVB lighting?
One thing I would recommend changing is your heat source. The gecko should not be able to touch the heat lamp. I like to have my heat source on the outside of the cage radiating the heat into the cage. Since most Tokays are wild caught, I would also recommend that you bring in a fecal sample to your vet. The sample should be fresh, no more that 48 hrs old. The fresher the sample the better. I like samples hot out of the animal if i can get them that way. Wrap it in damp paper towel and place in a zip lock baggy and keep refrigerated. Good luck.

At 05:34 PM 10/3/2004 +0100, you wrote:
Hi, I hope someone can help. Something is wrong with
my female Tokay gecko and Im really worried that I
will lose her. Ive had her about 2 years now and shes
never been like this before. Last week I noticed she
was very dark and had this blue/purple 'glow' on her
back and tail. You could only see it if you were at an
angle to her. I put it down to her about to shed, but
I don't think thats it. She would have done by now.

She has also lost weight and is not eating. Two days
ago I found her clinging to the lightbuld when I
turned it on in the morning. I got her off but she
climbed back on while it was on. I thought she burned
her feet as she was walking 'on tip toes' so to speak.
Now all she does is stay out all the time, she doesnt
hide. Shes permantly dark and her back legs and tail
are funny. Her tail is curled up a lot and just looks
weird, could just be cos its thinner then normal. She
sits there with her back legs stretched out so her
back is arched up. Her front legs seem ok. Last night
she was kinda fitting. she was walking along and her
back legs kept coming off the wall and she was
basically rolling over. She was like it on the ground
too, her back legs were as if they were trying to flip
her on to her back. It was awful to watch as I couldnt
do anything  :(

I don't know why shes stopped eating or has gone like
this. I expected her to be dead this morning. She has
never stopped eating before, and has always had a big

What is wrong with my Tokay??


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