> On juin 27, 2016, 5 après-midi, Nikos Nikoleris wrote:
> > src/mem/cache/tags/base_set_assoc.hh, line 218
> > <http://reviews.gem5.org/r/3502/diff/8/?file=56390#file56390line218>
> >
> >     Would it make sense to move most of this code in the constructor? The 
> > flag sequentialAccess and the condition lookupLatency >= dataLantency 
> > shouldn't change during the simulation.
> Sophiane SENNI wrote:
>     I think this code should be left here. Because the total access latency 
> now depends on both tag_latency and data_latency, the value of the 'lat' 
> parameter specifying the access latency is not correct when the accessBlock() 
> function is called. As a result, the 'lat' value should be updated inside the 
> function depending on if it is a sequential or parallel access.
> Sophiane SENNI wrote:
>     Regarding your suggestion, I am agree with you that it would be better to 
> move the code in the constructor since as you mentioned the flag 
> sequentialAccess and the access latency value should not change during the 
> simulation. I will see how I can modify the patch accordingly.
> Nikos Nikoleris wrote:
>     Thanks for doing this! I think you could create a new variable in the 
> base class (BaseTags) and use that as the latency on every access. In any 
> case, in the code the latency is not dependent on the replacement policy. 
> Mind though that if the access is a miss the latency should always be 
> tagLatency, even when we've enabled the parallel access. We could also move 
> the sequentialAccess variable to BaseCache although I am not sure how 
> applicable a parallel lookup to the tag and the data array is for a fully 
> associative cache.
> Nikos Nikoleris wrote:
>     Sophiane, how are things progressing? It would be really great to get 
> done with this and commit it.
> Sophiane SENNI wrote:
>     Hi Nikos,
>     I was and I am still quite busy with some other work I have to finish. 
> But I will try to publish the new version of the patch as soon as possible. 
> Sorry for the delay.


For the new patch, I use the "accessLatency" variable, as the latency on every 
access, in the base class (BaseTags). I tried to initialize this variable in 
the constructor according to the access mode as follows:

BaseTags::BaseTags(const Params *p)
    : ClockedObject(p), blkSize(p->block_size), size(p->size),
      lookupLatency(p->tag_latency), dataLatency(p->data_latency),
      accessLatency(p->sequential_access ? 
      // If sequential access, sum tag lookup and data access latencies
                    (p->tag_latency + p->data_latency) :
      // If parallel access, take the max latency
      // between tag lookup and data access                                     
                    (p->tag_latency >= p->data_latency ? 
                      p->tag_latency : p->data_latency )),
      cache(nullptr), warmupBound(0),
      warmedUp(false), numBlocks(0)

However, when checking by simulation, the value of "sequential_access" 
parameter is always taken as "False". Even if this paramater is set to "True" 
in configs/common/Caches.py

Do you have a solution to correctly initialize the "accessLatency" variable in 
the initialization list ?


- Sophiane

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On juin 28, 2016, 1:06 après-midi, Sophiane SENNI wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> http://reviews.gem5.org/r/3502/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated juin 28, 2016, 1:06 après-midi)
> Review request for Default.
> Repository: gem5
> Description
> -------
> Changeset 11536:1a3a96d435ed
> ---------------------------
> mem: Split the hit_latency into tag_latency and data_latency
> If the cache access mode is parallel, i.e. "sequential_access" parameter 
> is set to "False", tags and data are accessed in parallel. Therefore,
> the hit_latency is the maximum latency between tag_latency and
> data_latency. On the other hand, if the cache access mode is
> sequential, i.e. "sequential_access" parameter is set to "True", 
> tags and data are accessed sequentially. Therefore, the hit_latency
> is the sum of tag_latency plus data_latency.
> Diffs
> -----
>   configs/common/Caches.py 80e79ae636ca6b021cbf7aa985b5fd56cb5b2708 
>   src/mem/cache/Cache.py 80e79ae636ca6b021cbf7aa985b5fd56cb5b2708 
>   src/mem/cache/base.hh 80e79ae636ca6b021cbf7aa985b5fd56cb5b2708 
>   src/mem/cache/tags/fa_lru.cc 80e79ae636ca6b021cbf7aa985b5fd56cb5b2708 
>   src/mem/cache/tags/fa_lru.hh 80e79ae636ca6b021cbf7aa985b5fd56cb5b2708 
>   src/mem/cache/tags/base_set_assoc.hh 
> 80e79ae636ca6b021cbf7aa985b5fd56cb5b2708 
>   src/mem/cache/tags/base.cc 80e79ae636ca6b021cbf7aa985b5fd56cb5b2708 
>   src/mem/cache/tags/base.hh 80e79ae636ca6b021cbf7aa985b5fd56cb5b2708 
>   src/mem/cache/tags/Tags.py 80e79ae636ca6b021cbf7aa985b5fd56cb5b2708 
>   src/mem/cache/base.cc 80e79ae636ca6b021cbf7aa985b5fd56cb5b2708 
> Diff: http://reviews.gem5.org/r/3502/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> Tested using --Debug-flags=Cache
> Thanks,
> Sophiane SENNI

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