On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 9:19 PM, Laura Hale <la...@fanhistory.com> wrote:
> Your "religion" includes  Roman Catholicism, the Church of Latter Day
> Saints, Christian Scientists, Watchtower Society, Russian Orthodox,
> Anglican, Coptic, Quakers, and Amish?
> Christianity, like Islam, has a lot of branches and you could say almost
> anything about Christianity and some sects it would be true in and others it
> would not.  It would be accurate to say "Jesus Christ is not divine" and
> "Jesus Christ is divine" and different sects hold this to be true.  It would
> also be true to say that Christianity is a driving force in the United
> States towards pushing women out of work and into the home, is opposed to
> women having access to birth control, and is opposed to abortion in all
> cases, and that women should be totally subservient to men, and that if you
> are moral, you don't need a doctor because Jesus will provide.  The opposite
> could also be said and be equally as true.   If you want to see how two
> opposite sides have aspects of the truth, look
> at Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Abortion/Evidence .

Okay, Ryan's statement was more sweepingly generalized than Carol's; I
still consider that such sweeping "more or less" statements about
other people's faiths have no place in a discussion forum such as this
one; and I refuse to be even remotely apologetic for defending the
religion of Martin Luther King, Ammon Hennacy, Ivan Illich, Dorothy
Day and Norman Thomas.

Michael J. "Orange Mike" Lowrey

"When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food
and clothes."
     --  Desiderius Erasmus

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