On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Andreas Kolbe <jayen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For an example of a woman exasperated by Wikipedia's handling of sexual
> content, see this
> post http://www.junkland.net/2011/11/donkey-punch-or-how-i-tried-to-fight.html by
> blogger Penny Sociologist, which my wife somehow came across.
> This concerned a crudely animated cartoon of a woman being struck in the
> back of the neck during sex, which the blogger had encountered in a
> Wikipedia article. Here is a quote from her post, commenting on Wikipedia's
> editorial process:
> ---o0o---
> Let's revisit the serious, consensus-building Discussion page for donkey
> punching:
> Misogynist: "Just want to say that the picture with this article is
> Another Misogynist: "Same here. It made me laugh for a good 10 minutes."
> Voice of Reason: "As this act is probably apocryphal and possibly lethal, I
> would suggest the current picture is unnecessary and inappropriate and
> should therefore be removed."
> Another Misogynist: "And I would suggest that ur a fag who has a stick up
> the butt."
> Somewhere later down the page, while misogynists coldly discuss the merits
> of an earlier illustration that wasn't animated, one says: "Preferably the
> image shouldn't be a cartoon, but actually showing a real couple."
> So there you have Wikipedia's "serious discussion" and "consensus"
> building.
> ---o0o---

That is, in my opinion, an actionable user behavior problem, even
without the gender related issues.  Those clearly make it worse, of

I will go look it up later, but it's probably too stale to do anything
about it now.  8-(

-george william herbert

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