Hello Community,

It's been awhile since a Community Newsletter has gone out, but no longer. 
There's been a changing of the guards at Dev Comm, but we are still here to 
support you and grow our community.

Let me take a moment to introduce myself. While relatively new at MarkLogic, I 
have a long history working with technology including development, 
architecture, administration, ops, and training, so I look forward to working 
with you, in whatever role you serve, to make your adoption of MarkLogic easier 
and maybe even fun. We want to hear from you about what works well and how we 
can better serve our community, so please don't hesitate to reach 

Dave Cassel has shifted to a role in the Engineering department, returning his 
focus to developing software. He remains active on Stack Overflow and will 
continue to participate in MarkLogic World and Meetups when he can.

On that note, save the date for MarkLogic World 
2018<https://www.marklogic.com/world/>, May 7-10 in San Francisco, California!  
I hope to see you all there, networking in the Developer Lounge.  More info to 
come on that later.

As always, if you need technical help, Stack 
Overflow<https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/marklogic> is a great place 
to reach a broad audience of experts.  We have over 400 subscribers watching 
the MarkLogic feed and ready to help.  Don't forget to up vote the good answers!

Check out the new blog posts on developer.marklogic.com:

  *   Tyler Replogle walks us through the Query Isolation 
Process<http://developer.marklogic.com/blog/query-isolation-process>, if you 
know something is running slowly on MarkLogic, but you are not sure what is 
running slow or what to do about it.
  *   Bob Starbird discusses some of the things he learned using Postman Test 
Scripting with XML<http://developer.marklogic.com/blog/postman-test-scripting>.
  *   Michael Malgeri continues his discussion in Building a Semantic 
Recommendation Engine: the 
 leveraging social media to improve recommendations.
  *   Joe Crean explains Lazy Evaluation 
Magic<http://developer.marklogic.com/blog/lazy-evaluation-magic>, what it is 
and when it is appropriate to use.
  *   Mike Havey recommends UML Modeling with MarkLogic's Entity 
 as low effort and high reward.
  *   Paul Hoehne reveals Two Languages Shockingly Easy to Use With 
 that you might want to consider.

Do you have any request for content or topics we haven't covered?  Let us 

Software Releases
MarkLogic Server version 
9.0-4<http://docs.marklogic.com/guide/relnotes/chap3#id_29897> is the latest 
maintenance release for MarkLogic 9<http://developer.marklogic.com/products> 
that contains important updates to improve performance, functionality, 
security, and stability.

Prior to this release, converters and filters were bundled and automatically 
installed with MarkLogic Server. Starting with this release, converters and 
filters are offered as a separate package. This change affects the functions: 
xdmp:pdf-convert<http://docs.marklogic.com/xdmp:pdf-convert>, & 
xdmp:document-filter<http://docs.marklogic.com/xdmp:document-filter>.  Please 
review the Installation 
Guide<https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/installation/intro#id_34694> for 
additional details regarding the MarkLogic Converters Installation Changes 
Starting at Release 

As announced earlier this 
 widespread security vulnerabilities have been identified affecting many CPUs, 
including those from Intel, AMD, and ARM. In order to mitigate the 
vulnerabilities, patches are being provided by hardware, operating system, and 
cloud vendors.  With this release of MarkLogic 9.0-4, updates to MarkLogic 
cloud images will include all recent patches provided by cloud vendors (Amazon, 
Azure).  We encourage customers to update their cloud images as soon as 

We also have the following community project releases:

  *   Alex Ebadirad released version 2.0.3 of the Data Hub 
 This release will be the last planned community release before the Data Hub 
Framework becomes part of the official MarkLogic product.
  *   Rob Rudin released version 3.4.0 of 
and its dependent libraries 
  *   Mads Hansen released version 2.4.0 of 

New On Demand Tutorials from MarkLogic University
Two episodes have been added to the Data Governance 
 including Tracking Data 
Provenance<https://mlu.marklogic.com/ondemand/86e0be69> and Data Security and 
Privacy<https://mlu.marklogic.com/ondemand/41b84d9c>. Explore this series to 
get hands-on and see how MarkLogic uniquely enables data governance when 
integrating data to build an Operational Data Hub using the MarkLogic Data Hub 

Using Geospatial Data in MarkLogic<https://mlu.marklogic.com/ondemand/f12659ac> 
is a hands-on tutorial and in it you will model, load, index, and search 
geospatial data using MarkLogic. You will also stand up a geospatial search 
application with map integration.

Tableau Connection Methods<https://mlu.marklogic.com/ondemand/c86d1259> is 
episode 2 of the Using BI Tools in 
 series. We further explore how to connect the Tableau business intelligence 
tool to the MarkLogic NoSQL database.

Take a look at Introduction to Managing Clusters with Ops 
Director<https://mlu.marklogic.com/ondemand/c422dafd>, to learn how to get a 
consolidated view of your MarkLogic infrastructure.  Ops Director is used to 
streamline monitoring and troubleshooting of clusters with alerting, 
performance, and log data. It provides enterprise-grade security of your 
cluster configuration and performance data with robust role-based access 
control and information security powered by MarkLogic Server.


  *   We had a great Meetup on January 30, 2018 at our DC office with Sara 
Mazer speaking on "Agile Mastering - A New Approach to Master Data Management". 
 Be sure to find the MarkLogic Meetup<http://marklogic.meetup.com/> near you to 
join the conversation and keep checking back if there isn't one near you as 
more cities are being added.
  *   May 7-10, 2018 - Save the Date for MarkLogic World 
2018<https://www.marklogic.com/world/> in San Francisco, California.

MarkLogic Jobs

  *   Linium Resources has an opportunity for a MarkLogic Developer in New York 
City, please feel free to contact 
sam.de...@linium.com<mailto:sam.de...@linium.com> with any questions.
  *   Looking for MarkLogic Developer at Los Angeles, CA office, share your 
details at vinit...@droisys.com<mailto:vinit...@droisys.com>.

Recruiters - if you'd like me to include your MarkLogic-related openings in 
this newsletter, send them to me before the first of each month.

Have a great week,

Trinh N. Lieu
Senior Manager, Developer Community
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: 703.854.8561
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