Eric Pugh wrote:

I thought I would just submit a patch to Velocity to fix the velocity/log4j
problem and everything would be fine.  Wrong..   The issue is the non
backwards compatible API change to log4j.  And, I saw Niclas email about it
as well.

So, I dug some more and according to this email:
http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2004-11/msg00271.html

there is a binary version.  So I thought "hey, use that"..  Only to discover
that Gump can check out a tagged branch of code!  And that there is a
project called logging-log4j-12.xml already building that most dependees of
log4j use.

So, I made the change, and that should fix Velocity...  Of course, it
basically is like dynamically building a package..   Fulcrum Configuration
relies on the older version of commons-configuration.  I am going to apply
the same trick there.

I have spoken to Geir Magnuson, who was not aware that velocity was being a problem and I indicated the problem and he said he would solve it in a few minutes.

People, Gump is *NOT* about 100% success.

Gump is about establishing communication channels between development communities.

If you are interested in the first and not in the second, run a cron job every night on your build files and send your list an email if that build goes wrong. it's a two seconds job and I'll be happy to give access to brutus if you need that.

On the other hand, if you are interested in creating a social engineering support tool and you are willing to get your hands dirty in python and prepare to have a huge ton of patience to convert a few hundreds people to a very difficult concept, then stick around for a few more years, because that's how much it will take before gump can be considered a success.

The recent 'velocity stall' indicates that our way to signal problems is too noisy to convey information and Eric identified a few issues that I also have.

The rule should be to start fixing gump and fix the communication channels rather than fixing the metadata to route around the problems.


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